I've just received the report for a dyspraxia assessment I had last week and the psychologist has made several recommendations for things that could help me when I start at uni in October. He said that I should get a dictaphone that can put the speech straight onto a computer screen and speech recognition software, as well as software to help me structure essays.
I've had a look and there seem to be loads of similar software and it's all a bit confusing, so can anyone recommend a dictaphone (small and light) and speech recognition software that would be compatible with it, as well as one of these structuring thingies? He gave Inspiration as an example but it seems to be for school-age students?
Also, I'd sent off my student loan thing before I had the assessment, so how do I apply for DSA for the funding for all this stuff (I believe they will cover it all, I don't think this stuff should reach their limit!)
Thank you!