The Student Room Group

Can't eat

I'm usually pretty normal when it comes to eating... bowl of cerreal for breakfast, sandwhiches for lunch and then hot food for tea with fruit or something as snacks if i really need it but the last few days I've been having trouble eating, today I ate half my already small portion of cerreal, a banana, half a slice of bread and I am currently attempting to eat spaghetti bolognaise without much success (as shown by the fact I'm typing not eating) I do feel really hungry before I try and eat but when I put food to my mouth I just feel ill or full

Help please?
Reply 1
Any history of an eating disorder? Or hvae you been thinking about dieting/loosing weight alot recently? Sometimes that really messes with my brain so even if Im hungry I feel physically sick if I eat.
If the problem persists go and see a doctor
Reply 2
I'm currently going through a similar situation. Ive only eaten a slice of toast today - even that was a struggle. Are you currently suffering from stress or an emotional situation? I think my appetite has waned because I am "lovestoned" as JT himself would put it.
Reply 3
I don't have any history of eating disorder (apart from eating too much) I have been thinking about dieting a lot I suppose
I sometimes get appetite changes when I'm really sad and things aren't too good at the moment so that's probably it
I don't know if it's best just to make myself eat and chance being ill because I don't like being hungry all the time
Reply 4
I'm having that problem atm as well. It happened a few weeks ago and it just went away

bit annoying tho, and definately not very good for me I'd imagine!

Sorry I can't help, just sympathising lol
If its just been for a few days i wouldnt worry too much its not as if youre physically stopping yourself from eating for a reason, its just that you dont happen to feel hungry. It could be a bug or something, or for a number of other reasons stress etc. i couldnt eat properly for ages when i was lovesick what a daftie!
Reply 6
Hmmm I know what you mean - I got that all in the run up to exams... which wasn't good since we'd just had the biggest rowing competition of the summer and my metabolism was still through the roof! Are you under stress?
Reply 7
Has there been some kind of change in your environment/lifestyle?

I know that when I go camping with our Guides (bad example but hey), I am never hungry at meal times and feel sick- that's due to a change in place, and a fear of wasps I reckon.
Reply 8
I think it's general upset in my life to be honest
My mum actually took my food away from me after an hour and a half when I managed to eat about one fith of it
Reply 9
Mmm I got into this bizarre cycle where I'd try to tempt myself to want food. Do you want pasta? No. Do you want pizza? What if I made some chilli? No. Not even a bowl of cereal? No. If I went into college I could normally force it down just by virtue of everyone around me eating but otherwise I sort of... stopped!
I think everyone gets that, to be honest, sometimes when they're particularly run-down or stressed. It could just be due to the hot weather! It's best to just take as long as you need, and nibble bravely. :-)
Reply 11
I've had times when I really didn't eat at all for a few weeks. It was probably just stress when I had it but I think it's quite common. I felt sick a lot of the time and just didn't want to eat.

I wouldn't worry about it. But if it continues for too long I'd suggest seeing a doctor.
My appetite is like a yoyo. :frown:

I lost it completely about 9 months ago, then got it back for Christmas. I think that episode was to do with problems at uni. Then about 6 months ago I lost it again before regaining it around March. That I think was because of illness and also problems at uni. It was fine ever since then until this week where I just can't eat (apart from fruit). I don't know the cause this time but it might be problems at home and something I was told recently making me really angry at my parents.
im going through the same thing as well, the past few days whenever ive tried to ear i start to feel sick or ill even though my stomach's rumbling, i couldnt even manage some toast this morning, i gave up after taking one bite of it :frown:
Reply 14
It could be the heat in some places as well atm contributing ?
i still cant eat today, ive just tried to have a sandwich-took 2 bites of it but it tastes disgusting :frown:
Reply 16
It could be the heat, i always lose my appetite as soon as it gets hot. Also, if you've been feeling down it can be hard to eat.

But as you said you feel hungry before hand it could be a health problem and might be worth going to see your doctor about.