The Student Room Group

anyone out there??!!

right, so i'm F, 20yrs and ive never had a all....never kissed etc.. I see everyone out there with someone but why not me? Guys who are well older than me are 'interested' but thats it! I don't know what to do!
I dont go to clubs as im not the clubbing type. Im more of a homebody and tend to enjoy my own company - not that i dont like being around others. I dont have that many friends..........i might be answering my own question here but i would like to know what others think........
Reply 1
Go out shopping and treat yourself...then perhaps you'd feel more confident approaching guys? Or just go to places where the type of guy you like will be. For example, if you like intelligent guys, go to a bookstore. You could be waiting a long while though...
Reply 2
Well think about it - are you ever putting yourself in a position where guys might ask you out?

From what you've said about preferring to be on your own, not going out to clubs and not having many friends, it doesn't seem so.
It'll happen. Just be patient, as Demetri Martin's mum said "You only need one", and that's true. You're bound to find someone who you'll be happy to be with. Let's face it, it's not lack of attention, it's just the wrong attention, that is, attention from old guys. Relationships just happen, suddenly.
And you're no less of a person for not having a boyfriend and being twenty. Erm, and yes, meet more people, even at a bookstore. More people you meet, the better your chances. It's true.
I used to be like that - but believe me, it'll happen eventually. xxx
you have your whole life ahead of you, you should enjoy being single while you can! If you really do want a boyfriend now though, you should try to socialise a bit more, maybe go to the pub with a few friends, see if anyone catches your eye, or join a club or something. But remember: things usually happen when you least expect it, so relax and let prince charming find you when he's ready!