The Student Room Group
I'm guessin it's a girlfriend that you were in love with, and then you split up with 'cus of her doing something horrible, or along those lines.
The way you have to think about it, is looking towards the future and not what has happened in the past. If you delete that number then you can move on, if you got involved again then you could get hurt again. So i would say move on as best you can.
Hope that helps anyway
Reply 2
I'm in a similar situation with a girlon a friendship level.

I dunno bout you, but I find all the advice in the world can't help. Maybe deleting her number will give you closure, but time is the real healer :smile:
Reply 3
Scott' is right. Remove it, and just cut contact or you'll just drag out the pain even longer. Trust me, it feels wonderful when it says 'Deleted' on that screen, knowing that it is one more door shut, a door in which they could hurt you ever more, intentionally or not.

Good luck and all the best. :hugs:
Reply 4
I never bother deleting numbers. It's probably my masochistic side but even if it's awful to have that number, maybe to even be tempted to call them, I just find it too hard to delete a number, to erase someone from my life as people aren't things that you can erase in my opinion. It can help to picture them that way but I refuse to do so.
I don't delete numbers :p:
I just can't bring myself to it, though it isn't healthy.
But yeah deteing the number and all the messages he/she ever sent you is a good idea...nothing worse than going through old messages and reading some lovey dovey one, then all the memories and pain come flowing back!
Reply 6
I don't delete numbers :p:
I just can't bring myself to it, though it isn't healthy.

Hmm are you just repeating what I say? :mad:

Hmm are you just repeating what I say? :mad:


I didn't even read the other posts buddy.
Reply 8
Write their number down somewhere else, then delete it from your phone. Very simple.
Reply 9
Lol surely that's defeating the point of it? :p:
Good luck :smile: I've been having severe problems with my best friend for 2 months and have been considering this week whether to get rid of her number and address from my phone. I know that if I decide to do it it'll be really difficult because she's the only real friend I have and like you said, made me feel good.
Reply 11
I try and build myself up to deleting the number of someone who means the world to me but I can't have :frown:

They made me feel better like no one has ever done before, then made me feel worst than I'd ever felt before... and I've known a lot of people and been hurt by many of them.

Any support from anyone would be useful please!!

Do it. You have no idea how good it feels; like amputating a gangrenous limb.

Do it.
Well done for thinking it, it's for the best :smile:
Reply 13
I'm guessin it's a girlfriend that you were in love with, and then you split up with 'cus of her doing something horrible, or along those lines.
The way you have to think about it, is looking towards the future and not what has happened in the past. If you delete that number then you can move on, if you got involved again then you could get hurt again. So i would say move on as best you can.
Hope that helps anyway

Mind reader
Thanks all
Just did it, onwards and upwards and all that
Mind reader
Thanks all
Just did it, onwards and upwards and all that

Congratulations, it'll do you more good than you can imagine.

I did this. However, I wrote down the number a year ago in my phonebook.

Thats bad...because back in Febuary I was really tipsy and dialled the number. Then I stopped myself.

Later on when I was REALLY drunk, I called her (141) and screamed "I LOVE YOU, COME BACK TO ME." Then I sang loads of love songs.

Please, if you delte this number. Remove all traces.

I did this. However, I wrote down the number a year ago in my phonebook.

Thats bad...because back in Febuary I was really tipsy and dialled the number. Then I stopped myself.

Later on when I was REALLY drunk, I called her (141) and screamed "I LOVE YOU, COME BACK TO ME." Then I sang loads of love songs.

Please, if you delte this number. Remove all traces.

TBH he probably knows it from memory anyway, but at least it's not staring you in the face and you can't just press two buttons and call in a moment of weakness...