The Student Room Group

Claddagh Ring


i need help identifying a ring i would finally like to get. i think it's a welsh ring but I could be wrong. anyways it's a ring and it's got two hands, and when the hands point inwards,it means you're taken and when they point out,it means you're single (i think,might have gotten it wrong) and normally there's a heart where the hand (more like palms) join. i forgot to save the name last time because i thought i wouldn't forget plus it was expensive so couldn't get it and now totally forgot :frown:. if someone could tell me the name of the ring,that would really help. thank you! :tsr2:

edit: i found it. they're called Claddagh rings oh and they're Irish!

my problem is now, where can i get one that's nice, decent and silver and not too expensive? :biggrin:

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January Victim

i need help identifying a ring i would finally like to get. i think it's a welsh ring but I could be wrong. anyways it's a ring and it's got two hands, and when the hands point inwards,it means you're taken and when they point out,it means you're single (i think,might have gotten it wrong) and normally there's a heart where the hand (more like palms) join. i forgot to save the name last time because i thought i wouldn't forget plus it was expensive so couldn't get it and now totally forgot :frown:. if someone could tell me the name of the ring,that would really help. thank you! :tsr2:

edit: i found it. they're called Claddagh rings oh and they're Irish!

my problem is now, where can i get one that's nice and silver and not too expensive? :biggrin:

Yeah it's a claddagh ring :smile:

Most jewellers will have them at reputable prices. Even argos do, I think.
Reply 2
ah cool :biggrin: i've been wanting one for ages!
how're you hon by the way? tis been ages x

edit: they only do gold :bawling:
Reply 4
nah not that cheap plus it doesn't look that nice.i wouldn't mind paying £20-£25 for a decent one.shame i don't know my ring size,i've seen a few nice vintages ones there already
Reply 5
I love claddagh rings :biggrin: I had one when I was younger, I think I got it from Avon or something lol! Reminds me, I want to get another :smile: Ooh, and a wishbone ring, they're pretty! :biggrin: Just try all the jewellers where you live, though they may be rather expensive. I'll have a look out for some!
Reply 6
Rainbow White Claddagh Wishbone ring Now I would love to get that!
Reply 7
Aww that is prettiful! :biggrin: Well, that's only like, what, £115, you could save up for it :wink: Haha but I'm a real cheapskate, I don't think I could justify spending that on a ring! Maybe it's a long shot, but have you tried markets? Maybe even flea markets, there's a possibility someone could be selling a vintage one, especially if you live in a market-y area! My local flea market's highlights, unfortunately, are just decades-old videos for £4 :frown:
Reply 8
nah it's too expensive for a ring.
no flea markets in nottingham that i'm aware of.i bet if i lived in camden i'd find something.shame if i knew my ring size,it'd make things a bit easier as i've seen a few nice ones on ebay. most of them all look fake though,like silver plated or gold plated. i want a genuine one y'know,every line sharp etc etc hehe...well i want a decent one that doesn't look like it cost £1 to make. :rolleyes: has loads. If you go on the hsamuel wensite you can print out a sheet with ring sizes on, place a ring you already have that fits you on one of the cirlces and the one it fits is your ring size.
Reply 10
Reply 11
well i found out my ring size, M's a bit too tight so a N which is just snug,not loose but not tight. so now to find the perfect ring :biggrin:
Oh, those rings are lovely, I'm after one as well :smile:
I have one from way back when (around the time Angel gave Buffy one on BtVS haha I'm so not cool-so like 1997 or something), got mine from one of those little independent shops that have lots of incense, candles, hippyish stuff, corsets etc think it was around a tenner, you could try one of those little shops.
Reply 14
Haha, here in Ireland claddagh rings are really chavvy! But i remember when Angel gave one to Buffy....awww :smile:
Reply 15
I have one from way back when (around the time Angel gave Buffy one on BtVS haha I'm so not cool-so like 1997 or something), got mine from one of those little independent shops that have lots of incense, candles, hippyish stuff, corsets etc think it was around a tenner, you could try one of those little shops.

Haha, I think I got mine because of Angel and Buffy! Haha oh the good old days of BTVS and sexy Angel :p:
Haha, I think I got mine because of Angel and Buffy! Haha oh the good old days of BTVS and sexy Angel :p:

Haha, here in Ireland claddagh rings are really chavvy! But i remember when Angel gave one to Buffy....awww :smile:

Reply 17
I have one from way back when (around the time Angel gave Buffy one on BtVS haha I'm so not cool-so like 1997 or something), got mine from one of those little independent shops that have lots of incense, candles, hippyish stuff, corsets etc think it was around a tenner, you could try one of those little shops.

i remember (as i first watched it like a month ago) im new to Buffy
and Angel is Irish so it makes sense

i didn't know it was a real thing

i imagine they'd be depressing if u broke up with someone
I live in Galway which is where the Claddagh is, they are everywhere, you can get them in a great range of sizes and prices. You should get some one to bring you back one from Ireland if you know someone whos coming over.
Or try ebay, they seem to have a few.

And no I don't think claddagh rings are chavvy at all, although you can get massive tacky ones which are horrible and skangerish.
Original post by La Trampa

i need help identifying a ring i would finally like to get. i think it's a welsh ring but I could be wrong. anyways it's a ring and it's got two hands, and when the hands point inwards,it means you're taken and when they point out,it means you're single (i think,might have gotten it wrong) and normally there's a heart where the hand (more like palms) join. i forgot to save the name last time because i thought i wouldn't forget plus it was expensive so couldn't get it and now totally forgot :frown:. if someone could tell me the name of the ring,that would really help. thank you! :tsr2:

edit: i found it. they're called Claddagh rings oh and they're Irish!

my problem is now, where can i get one that's nice, decent and silver and not too expensive? :biggrin:

There are lots of places you can buy Claddagh rings, but if you want something nice and decent without spending too much money, then I recommend looking at They have a great selection of silver claddagh rings that are very well made. Plus, they're always adding new styles so you're sure to find one that you love.