The Student Room Group
hire a tux from MOSS
Hire a tux, but don't buy one of those clip-on bow ties. Learn to tie your own, it's much snazzier :biggrin:.

If you really want to stand out, get a white dinner jacket. Chances are someone will puke or spill their drink on you though, drunk people are subconsciously attracted to clean things :P.

Oh, and naturally, snog everyone.
Reply 3 .... will tell you all you need to know about suits.

I personally wouldn't go for a tux to be honest, don't like the look of bow ties.

Most important thing is the fit - don't be suckered into getting one that is too big. Focus on the details as well, tie your tie properly, have a little cuff showing, make sure your trousers are the right length and your shoes are nice and clean.

What a properly tied tie should look like:

At my school prom/Ball thing there was a combination of suits with ties and Tuxs.

Alot of people hired a Tux, a couple bought one and alot of people wore a suit and a snazzy tie.

Basically whatever you feel more comfortable in.
If you already have a suit and nice tie go for that as personally I dont think its worth wasting your money hiring a Tux.
Although you could invest in a new tie if you wanted something new.
Reply 5
Why are you having your ball/prom in August?! Or are you just getting prepared ultra-early?!

Depends if it is a ball or a prom - there is a big difference! If it's a ball, it's black tie - so it has to be a tux. If it's a prom, it's less formal, so a nice suit will do, but some people do wear tuxes, so you'd need to check with your friends to see what they're wearing if that's the case.

With a tux, I think a waistcoat looks really good, less plain than just a shirt or a shirt with a cummerbund. I especially like the combo of a black tux, black shirt, cream/ivory waistcoat and cream/ivory bowtie! I'm not mad about black tuxes and white shirts with any other colour bowtie than black really - red can look ok, but sometimes people just wear random-coloured bowties that just don't go.
Reply 6
Standard Black Tie should be fine. A waistcoat if you must, but don't overdo it or you'll look like a muppet. At least several people did at my prom.
Reply 7
most people at my ball just went for bog standard black suit, although some had normal ties.

although, suits do wonderful things to blokes - we had about 100 guys wearing virtually the same thing, yet everyone looked good.

unless you go completely over the top you can't really go wrong.
Reply 8
Well it's like an end of year 13/sixth form ball. Basically, the last time everyone will be together before uni. It's a ball according to the ticket.
Reply 9
If you really want to stand out, get a white dinner jacket.
Is it wrong to get pissed off with people who can't do black tie properly? It's not like Britain is near the Red Sea...

Hire a black dinner jacket (never a tux!) , white dress shirt, bow tie (black, school or club colours or subtle colour or paten).

Consider buying a DJ if you're going to a decent university with more than one function a year.
Reply 10
I think it depends. at my school prom all the boys wore tux's whereas, and a school nearby, they all wore suits with ties. I think it depends on how formal its going to be. My prom was 80% sit down formal meal/ 20% dancing. DO you know what yours is going to be like. The other prom was the other was aroound.
Reply 11
I think it depends. at my school prom all the boys wore tux's
Are they american?
Reply 12
Are they american?

Actually, they were black dinner jackets with a shiny bit. Whats the difference?
Reply 13
At my prom, most of the guys wore suits with smart shirts and a tie, however some did just come in smart shirts and trousers. In saying this, one or two did come in tuxes! lol

I think it really depends on how smart you want to be. If your prom includes dancing etc: then you will want to ensure that you are comfortable in what you are wearing, ergo is the reason why I wore a suit with smart shirt/trousers, since I simply took off the blazer and could dance! lol
Reply 14
Actually, they were black dinner jackets with a shiny bit. Whats the difference?

They are tux's arnt they??? Anyway they all look gorgeous. No-one wore a normal smart suit... not even the teachers! I think maybe my school was just a bit posh and its not a private school.
Reply 15
Tuxedos are American.
Dinner Jackets are British.

Just my bit of pedantry for today.
Reply 16
nice little suit, nice shirt and nice tie and some nice shoes.

Not hard mate.