The Student Room Group

NHS problem (re: depression)

I could really use some help right now.

I was referred to an adult psychiatrist in June this year because I had a nervous breakdown and have been depressed since Feb. They assessed me at the end of July. I decided to go and see my doctor yesterday because even though I'm on anti-depressants I'm getting really bad headaches and mood swings every day, and don't feel like I'm progressing that much. My doctor is rubbish though and usually fobs everything off unless I walk in there and say that I feel suicidal. Even then she doesn't do much. I asked her if she'd heard anything from the psychiatrist and she'd receieved a letter a month ago but forgotten to tell me. She didn't explain it which left me to the conclusion that I should phone them. I called them today and they've discharged me, saying that Citalopram alone should be enough to get me back to normal, even though I requested CBT and further help. The receptionist said that I can't see them again unless my doctor refers me again. I explained that she's awful and probably wouldn't, but she can't do anything.

So I'm totally at a loss of what to do. Everyone assumed that I'd be seen by this psychiatrist over the summer and would be cured by the time it got to uni (If I get the grades which is less than likely) I feel like I really need some more help.
Reply 1
If you still feel like you need help, don't let this one doctor fob you off. Ask to see a different doctor at the same practice, or change practices if you must, but you do need to get your treatment sorted. Also see if you can get a copy of the letter the psychiatrist sent to your GP, which may help you understand the process a little better.
Reply 2
If you still feel like you need help, don't let this one doctor fob you off. Ask to see a different doctor at the same practice, or change practices if you must, but you do need to get your treatment sorted. Also see if you can get a copy of the letter the psychiatrist sent to your GP, which may help you understand the process a little better.

good advice - you should definitely attempt to see another doctor for another pespective on the case
Reply 3
Before I saw my current one I was seeing another doctor at the same practice about depression. He just sat there and smiled. I complained various times because I knew I was at breaking point but because I was 17 he said "There was nothing he could do for me." and refused me anti-depressants.

Both my mum and I want to change practice because we've had bad experiences there for a while.

Thanks for the suggestion to get a copy of the letter though :smile:
My advice to you would be not to give up hope! You're not alone and there is always something else you can try. Try seeing another doctor, I know it is a pain but if it works it will be worth it. Ask them to put you in touch with some other people who can help in the mean time, councillors, pychologists etc. Even if it isn't exactly what you need it might help just a little. Getting a copy of that letter may shed some light on why you are not being refered back. There are so many people in the same situation that they often don't have time to deal with everyone and if they think you can make it on your own they'll encourage you to do just that.

Just remember that you're not the only one, this happens far too often to save their time and money. Almost the exact same thing happened to me when I was 15 and I had to just get on with it. Their services are there for YOU. Remind them of that and if that fails you could casually mention a dissatisfaction report regarding their practice before switching surgeries. They become surprisingly accomodating :rolleyes: . Last straws of course :wink: .

Best of luck to you.
I'm so sorry to hear that you aren't getting the help that you've got up the courage to ask for, and also admit to yourself that you need. It's awful that doctors feel able to fob you off with excuses and forgetfulnes, they may be able to forget about how you're feeling but you've got to live with it. Big big hug. :knuddel:
Again, try and get a copy of the letter and then even if it doesn't shed light on why you aren't being referred, at least then you have a letter to show a consellor (never been able to spell that!) or psychiatrist that you can get hold of yourself to show that your GP has been no help. Meanwhile, the Samaritans are always avalialble (cannot spell today, sorry) and feel free to PM me whenever you feel like you need a bit of support. Sometimes it's nice to let off steam to a total stranger. Again, I'm really sorry and good luck