I could really use some help right now.
I was referred to an adult psychiatrist in June this year because I had a nervous breakdown and have been depressed since Feb. They assessed me at the end of July. I decided to go and see my doctor yesterday because even though I'm on anti-depressants I'm getting really bad headaches and mood swings every day, and don't feel like I'm progressing that much. My doctor is rubbish though and usually fobs everything off unless I walk in there and say that I feel suicidal. Even then she doesn't do much. I asked her if she'd heard anything from the psychiatrist and she'd receieved a letter a month ago but forgotten to tell me. She didn't explain it which left me to the conclusion that I should phone them. I called them today and they've discharged me, saying that Citalopram alone should be enough to get me back to normal, even though I requested CBT and further help. The receptionist said that I can't see them again unless my doctor refers me again. I explained that she's awful and probably wouldn't, but she can't do anything.
So I'm totally at a loss of what to do. Everyone assumed that I'd be seen by this psychiatrist over the summer and would be cured by the time it got to uni (If I get the grades which is less than likely) I feel like I really need some more help.