Sorry just need an outlook on this from someone other than my family.
I just found out last night that my dad has planned a holiday for him, me, my older sister and younger foster sister (who is anti-social/uncooperative) to Italy for "a few days". My mum's busy with work, and my older brother has got his own things going on. Just a while ago I argued with my sister about it because;
last year, the same 4 of us went on holiday to France for 3 days. It was the worst holiday of my life. I was bored, trapped, and feeling awkward the whole time because I don't particularly get on with my dad, my sis is okay, but my foster sister is a nightmare. She was disruptive, rude to people who tried talking to us, whiney, and downright negative in all situations. She also caused problems while shopping for souvenirs.
Right, so with that in mind last year, I was glad to be back and to not have to be stranded with them again. But now I hear we're off to Italy for 5 days, the week college starts again, and it's the same 4 of us.
So I say, I don't want to go, last year was awful, I have the right to choose, this was all planned without me knowing.
My sister says I'm being selfish, it won't be all that bad again, it's a chance to get away, get some sun, and enjoy the resort and stuff.
But, I really dont want to go. It's going to be worse than last year. I don't spend any time with my foster sister because of how she acted last summer, so who's smart idea was it to shove the same 4 of us off on holiday again? Them 3 are up for it, I'm not. It's stupid, it's the week college starts, do I really need to be on holiday and miss the first day because I'll be having a **** time abroad?
Should I just go along with it or am I right to argue not going? I'm coming across as selfish and moany to my family but I think I deserve the freedom to not have to be put through that again. It was awful. I really dont know what to do because I dont want to upset anyone or disappoint them. But I just find this whole thing ridiculous; planning it without telling me, I mean ffs we've even got a set date to go on!! Help please, I'll post more info if you feel I've missed anything out that needs explaining.