The Student Room Group

Trinity CertTESOL or CELTA

Hi, I am interested to take a Trinity CertTESOL or CELTA. I prefer CELTA. I had an interview with ITTC language center in Bournemouth. They offered me TESOL course with the upgrade to CELTA if after one week, I perform well. If my Eng is still not improved, I will continue to study TESOL.

Another choice is Trinity CertTESOL at Lewis Language School, which is the certified TESOL provider by Trinity College. I am filling its application form. If I am accepted, I will get Trinity CertTESOL.

Between TESOL provided by ITTC and Trinity College, Trinity College is more prestigious. However, I still want to take the opportunity to study at ITTC with the hope that after one week, I can be upgraded to CELTA.

I am seeking advice from anyone who studied TESOL and then upgraded to CELTA at ITTC. Is it difficult to be upgraded? And I welcome other opinions about CELTA and TESOL courses in the UK.

Thank you so much for contributing your opinions.

P/S: I am an Asian. Please excuse me if I have any grammatical mistakes.
Reply 1
I took the Trinity Cert TESOL last month but in a different city to you, and if it is a 4 week course then you should know that its very intensive - two people even dropped out because it was too much work. It is hard work, but enjoyable however and very rewarding. Does the lewis language school offer Cambridge CELTA? Trinity does not offer CELTA but it is still very reputable and has the same recognition so I think that will help you decide.

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