The Student Room Group

Am I too skinny

mods please don't de anon as people know me in real life on here, anyway im worried that im too skinny to be attractive as guys don't like very skinny but I can't help being like this though im 22 and only 5ft. Its mainly my arms that look very skinny and bony but is 7 stone at 5ft tall too skinny?

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Reply 1
well its hard to tell without seeing a pic or something but 7 stone isn't too unattractive lol
Reply 2
At that height and weight I would say you could do with gaining a few pounds. Google 'height weight ratios' to find out your ideal weight for a more definitive answer.

According to that BMI calc, you are within the normal weight bracket for your height.
Reply 4
I wouldn't say that you was too skinny, although if you did gain any weight it wouldn't hurt. According to your bmi you are within normal range so I wouldn't worry too much.
Reply 5
Impossible to tell without seeing as it depends on bone mass too, post a pic
Reply 6
This is quite stupid lol but Ive just took 3, I'l take them off later though as they are probably inappropriate I dunno:confused: Ive put them on here so I can just cancel the link, sorry about the mirror its really dusty :rolleyes:
Reply 7
Impossible to tell without seeing as it depends on bone mass too, post a pic

Yeah, preferably one with some skimpy underwear and a pouty pose.

For research purposes purely. Of course :rolleyes:
Reply 8
nah, looks fine.
Reply 9
To be honest, it really doesn't matter. As long as your weight isn't going to affect your health, it's all good :smile: It's not as if there is a limit, below which you become unattractive. People come in all shapes and sizes, and if you could only open your eyes, you would see that.

If it appears that your weight makes you unattractive to guys, it is likely that your lack in confidence, caused by this belief, is what's holding you back.

ed. your not too skinny. your not skinny at all. Infact, that's a cute stomach
I'm 5ft too and I wouldn't want to be anything under 8 stone.
Reply 11
Tsk woman, clean your mirror! Id say you're about perfect size that I would look for in a girl. As said before though, a few pounds in the up direction would only give you more curves, which is ultimately a good thing.
Yeah, preferably one with some skimpy underwear and a pouty pose.

For research purposes purely. Of course :rolleyes:

Some guys can see bodies without getting turned on you know.
Reply 13
from your pics you look perfectly healthy too :smile:
Reply 14

According to that BMI calc, you are within the normal weight bracket for your height.

Yeh Ive just checked that thanks. I want to put on weight but don't want fat as im trying to keep fit for sports. If I put on weight in the form of muscle it might look horrible, so I don't know.
Reply 15
Some guys can see bodies without getting turned on you know.

Woah! Sense of humour failure. The men in white coats will be coming to your house shortly to give you a last ciggy and shoot you.
Woah! Sense of humour failure. The men in white coats will be coming to your house shortly to give you a last ciggy and shoot you.

Ha mate, what is your problem with me?
OP: you look lovely - there's nothing to worry about :smile:
Reply 18
I'd class you as slim, rather than skinny.
Reply 19
You don't need to gain weight, you look nice.