The Student Room Group

HELP! Is Kos just a 18-30s club island!?

Basically, my girlfriend was in the travel agents and booked us a holiday to Kos for the 15th August for 2 weeks.
We originally wanted Dubrovnik, but our options are limited due to time and money.

One thing I can't stand, is touristy tacky clubby places.
When she rang me up, asked if I'm ok with booking Kos.. I asked her whats it like, she said the travel agent said "its a calm place for people wanting a quiet holiday" ... but after looking online.. I only hear the opposite!
Has she been swindled!?

Really worried I'm going to end up seeing drunks all through the night, hear thumping distorted bass through my walls and navigate through coach loads of teens in the day!
Reply 1
lol i jus got bak from there bout 6 days ago after going for 2weeks! and the 1st main question is to defer where you are staying in kos, i bin twice with family to kos town which is much more quiet and relaxing, and secondly most recently with frends to kardamena which does tend to have more younger holiday goers, adding to that i went on a 18-30s holiday! but i saw many other familys etc etc and older groups, couples who were in kardamena! i think the rep of 18-30s is exagerated in kos, and when you go you'll have a great time no matter where you stay as there is something for everyone!
Reply 2
Great thanks :biggrin: made me feel better about it.

Not sure which part yet, I'll find out tomorrow
I stayed in kardamena in june it was pretty quiet then but i heard i gets full of 18-30's in july and august ... all depends on what u like to do ... its anything but tacky theres one bar street which is massive and full of pubs n clubs music is stopped at midnight though everynight!! but we found tons of nice resteraunts and quiter places to go .... u will have a ball am sure wish i was still there.. it will be roasting....we done the island tour and went all over island and there kos city is cool kinda where all the locals r but nice and theres a few quieter resorts kefalos comes to mind .... stunning scenery and quiet but a taxii ride from kardamena!!! let us know where ur staying any more just ask love lyndsay x
Reply 4
Stayed in Kefalos, had a wicked time :biggrin:

Shame about elusive reps and them forgetting to put our name down on the Aegean cruise to the blue lagoon... TWICE!

Wish I had 2 more days to get a proper tan though, I'm so fair and by end of 2 weeks my skin had just started to absorb and not reflect it all LOL.