The Student Room Group

Feel like everything's just messed up

Don't really know how to start this... I'm posting as anon because people I know use this forum, and it could be quite bad if they knew it was me - likewise is the reason why I can't describe my situation here, which is why I need someone to volunteer to help me and I can PM them if that is ok? To give an outline, I made friends with someone I shouldn't have, things escalated, and now I have very little friends as a result, when I really don't deserve it.

I hope it's ok to do this, and please don't take off the anon :frown:
(I'm a girl by the way, if that makes any difference)
I volunteer if I can actually be of use, hope you're ok
Reply 2
You can PM me if you want. :smile:
Reply 3
PM away if you need to.

Always good to talk to someone.
Reply 4
Feel free to PM me :smile:
Reply 5
me too, i'll help if you want me to
Reply 6
I'l help, Ive nothing to do lol, whats the prob?