The Student Room Group

coping with stress

a lot of crappy things are happening in my life right now, and whenever i feel down I tend to cope with the stress by eating food. Even tiny trivial things can start it off, such an argument with a family member or something. What ways are there to cope with such situations? I've tried exercising but when I feel angry or stressed I just go for the easiest thing and it is so easy to reach out for food rather than say, going to a gym or getting changed to go jogging etc. Do things like stressballs actually work for anyone?
Reply 1
Talking to other people helps, or so i find. Personaly chilling out listening to music and having a smoke also helps. I dont recomend it, but it helps me.

I mainly suggest talking to someone, maybe a close friend, or maybe going out, away from the situation which will take your mind off it and distract you.
Reply 2
I can do that too sometimes.

I either force myself to do excercise even if I don't want to at all because I know that I'll feel better in the end. Or, I listen to some quiet music and do a relaxation technique that I learnt which is like meditation.

Talking can help, but as my acupuncturist taught me it can make you feel worse. I was talking to her on Tuesday because I was majorly stressed and my blood pressure had risen.
Don't Be Stressed....

Look! A Bunny With A Pancake on It's Head!

Everyone has stress and everyone copes with it in their own way. When I'm stressed I tend to get angry and I feel hopeless at times. I can totally relate to doing the easiest thing but instead of eating, I don't eat. Stressballs actually don't work for me. But they work well for some people because it makes you focus on something else rather than your current worries. When you're stressed I suggest you just go to a quiet peaceful place where you can be alone. There you can do yoga which is really relaxing. You can watch TV, maybe something funny to keep your mind off things. What I do is write. I express my emotions through poems or stories etc. Usually when I'm done I feel a lot better.
a lot of crappy things are happening in my life right now, and whenever i feel down I tend to cope with the stress by eating food. Even tiny trivial things can start it off, such an argument with a family member or something. What ways are there to cope with such situations? I've tried exercising but when I feel angry or stressed I just go for the easiest thing and it is so easy to reach out for food rather than say, going to a gym or getting changed to go jogging etc. Do things like stressballs actually work for anyone?

nope they dont for me, when i was younger i used to get really pissed off really easily so i used to listen to my fave music in the dark and i calmed down. maybe you could try that~?
If i get worked up about something i just stand still for a moment and say to myself 'Is it really worth getting stressed about?' 90% of the time it isn't.
1) Eat ultra well and exercise regularly
2) Organise academic/professional work so you know exactly what's going on and when.
3) Keep yourself busy - Try new things.
4) Avoid unnecessary arguments - Defend yourself, but don't get angry.
5) Talk to a friend every day on the phone in order to keep things in perspective.