The Student Room Group
Reply 1
is it harrasment in the work place?
you phone the non emergency number and ask to report a case of sexual harresment. if they ask for details just say you dont want to give them.
but keep in mind if it was to go to court and you wouldnt/ couldnt testify then evidence might not be suffcient.
when reporting an offence it is rare for the police to tell the accused who it was that reported them
Reply 2
is it harrasment in the work place?
you phone the non emergency number and ask to report a case of sexual harresment. if they ask for details just say you dont want to give them.
but keep in mind if it was to go to court and you wouldnt/ couldnt testify then evidence might not be suffcient.
when reporting an offence it is rare for the police to tell the accused who it was that reported them

Its someone I know outside of work who used to bother me. He stopped but he's been bothering other women with explicit messages/phonecalls and I wanted to report him. He lives at the other end of the country so I don't know who to speak to.
Reply 3
try crimestoppers 0800 555 111
Reply 4
If you go to the police, your confidentiality will be protected. Please, please report this. Report it because it will help other women, and report it because you do NOT have to accept this, and because the police are on the same side as you.
Reply 5
I'd say it's definitely worth saying something- don't be put off by the idea of your identity being revealed or there being some sort of follow up, the police are used to anonymous tip-offs and it would be really good of you to do because it could help those other women tremendously. You're not obliged to supply any personal details, and you could even call from a public phonebox I suppose if you're worried about them calling back.

Good luck! I hope it works out. :smile: