The Student Room Group

help please :)

So i texted this guy telling him not to call me anymore. what did he do? he called me right after that. i didnt answer. then he texted me asking why..i told him "because its better that way, no harsh feelings". he replied and said
" then call me and tell me dont. dont text!!"

wats the difference?

btw- we broke up 3 yrs ago and he would call me once in a while to see how i was doing. but i have feelings for him, thats why i dont want him calling me no more.

my question?.........should i have called instead? whats the difference
You probably shouldn't have texted him in the first place. :smile: Stop responding/poking him and eventually he'll quit.
Reply 2
Phantom Phoenix
You probably shouldn't have texted him in the first place. :smile: Stop responding/poking him and eventually he'll quit.

didnt answer my question...
Just general advice. You said you wanted the guy to leave you alone, I was advising how best to do that. To answer your specific question, given the sensitive material in the text and the history between the pair of you, I would have called. Texting about delicate matters can be insensitive and leads to misunderstandings. He's done nothing wrong so be polite.
Nah texting him was fine.