Thanks everyone for your feedback, I don't think my mum really is going to kill me but it rattled me a bit . I just don't know how I'm supposed to feel and if I'm right in feeling how I feel. Please don't tell me how I feel as only I know if i truly want to die and I don't like being told I'm crying for help and I want attention when that is the last thing I want. My dad knows what my mother is like as she has been the same to my older sister, she is incredibly bitter about things and talking to her will not help because there has been a number of times when my sister,dad,step-mum,aunt etc have spoken to her about what she does and how it makes me feel but she doesn't care and is aware of it . I have called childline and they have been of no help and seen a counsellor which has also done nothing. My feelings are very real. It is not just a typical mother daughter clash, she hates me and makes me hate myself. I do not hate her because it's my fault for making her angry.
Thank you for your feedback ,anymore would be most apprieciated (sorry about the spelling).