The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Your ugly?

Sorry, but how do we know?! :smile:
Reply 2
I'll give you that one, I dnt doubt i am
Reply 3
Are you talking in your general vicinity or your special area?
Reply 4
Are you talking in your general vicinity or your special area?

not down my pants Ill tell you that much
get an old german army outfit, you can say what you like about the SS but they knew how to turn heads.
Reply 6
Why not go out to more places where you can meet new people?
What have you done to try and 'get gals' ? unless you live somewhere very remote or something i doun think the area is the problem.
Reply 8
negated enigma
get an old german army outfit, you can say what you like about the SS but they knew how to turn heads.

Peep Show
You're not supposed to do that anymore, Darryl. You know you're not supposed to do that.

Umm...confidence issue? minging features? your third nipple?

It could be anything. Tell us a bit more?
You need a more pleasant hotmail address.

'KissMyAss' Doesn't exactly portray you as a caring and considerate guy. :s-smilie:
Well the fact you call them 'gals' isnt a good start...
Do you live on a sheep farm? If you're not fast enough to catch them maybe you should use a taser first.
Reply 13
Probably because you can't spell?
Reply 14
Sheep FTW.

Yeah don't call them 'gals' and your 50% there.
Reply 15
Put down the Warhammer and go outside where 'gals' are?
Reply 16
Tbh the problem is that you are a nice guy as well.

Obviously you lack the confidence to show you're true personality and so act kind as a subconcious means to manipulate a girl into liking you.

Its true.
Reply 17
Tbh the problem is that you are a nice guy as well.

Obviously you lack the confidence to show you're true personality and so act kind as a subconcious means to manipulate a girl into liking you.

Its true.

He says he's a nice guy. I know loads of deluded *******s, it's not uncommon.
Reply 18
He says he's a nice guy. I know loads of deluded *******s, it's not uncommon.

He's been told he's a nice guy so ... in the context of the post its fair to say its from a 'gal' in the past.

Makes a big difference to saying you're a nice guy yourself.
Yeah, but anyone can say that a boy's a nice guy. It doesn't always mean that much.