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Catalogues such as Freemans/Argos Additions/Littlewoods usually sell brands such as Playboy. Not sure what the prices would be like though.
Reply 2
No offense.. but why?!!! Don't do it to yourself - its my personal mission to free the world off all the playboy branded crap... especially the stuff aimed at little girls all pink and fluffy - not that your a little girl! - but hmm not a fan..
No offense.. but why?!!! Don't do it to yourself - its my personal mission to free the world off all the playboy branded crap... especially the stuff aimed at little girls all pink and fluffy - not that your a little girl! - but hmm not a fan..

I agree. Don't. It'll make you look like a mindless 13 year old chav trying to be 'glamourous' but actually looking like she needs a good slap and a better undertanding of feminism. Seriously, it's awful. I'm only saying this for your own good!
Reply 4
I would rather donate my breasts to an aspiring transexual than be seen in playboy clothing.

I really can't see why anyone would wear them either.
Reply 5
Ugh please don't wear playboy clothes.
Reply 6
i have to agree with the consensus
Reply 7
I feel I should present a balanced view here: okay, so a good bit of Playboy clothing is tacky - there's still some good items of clothing that don't compeltely compromise all credibility when worn. They used to do a really nice pale yellow sweater that I would have killed for, but they seem to have discontinued it now. =\

Additions and are the only place I've found Playboy stuff; still not cheap, though - £80 for a pair of jeans?! Failing that...eBay is your friend.
Reply 8
I feel I should present a balanced view here: okay, so a good bit of Playboy clothing is tacky - there's still some good items of clothing that don't compeltely compromise all credibility when worn. They used to do a really nice pale yellow sweater that I would have killed for, but they seem to have discontinued it now. =\

Additions and are the only place I've found Playboy stuff; still not cheap, though - £80 for a pair of jeans?! Failing that...eBay is your friend.

Perhaps, but anything with the logo on is a no-no :smile:
Catalogues are your best bet.

For the love of all that is holy do not go for something with an obvious logo. You'll look about 12.
Ok, from the sounds of it the majority of you are well against it - I was only asking as i like some of the strappy tops which i'd wear to the gym. I wouldnt wear any of the clothes for pubbin, clubbin, shoppin, Uni - that aint me. Not onli that like someone said yes, some of the clothes does look tacky - I agree there.

I feel iv upset people - apologies if I have and please dont think I own a whole wardrobe of Playboy clothes because I dont!!!!
Catalogues should be avoided if possible I think, they are usually well over priced.
I dont actually know of anywhere else though that sell them, is there not an official merch website?
Reply 12
Playboy clothes always remind me of Pamela Anderson. You will look like a idiotic chav at best, Vegas hooker at worst.
Oh For God Sake - I Am Not Investing Or Have I Invested On A Whole Wardrobe Of Flipping Playboy Clothes. Its Only The Strappy Tops Which I Would Wear To The Gym Or Something To Lounge Around At Home In.

I Do Not Intend On Wearing These Tops Out And About Like As Someone Said ''vegas Hooker''. Im Not A Chav Or Anything Along Those Lines.
I swear they have some in Debenhams.

Or that could just be some label with a bunny.

Some of the stuff is actually quite nice and doesn't have the bunny printed on it at all.
Reply 15
Yep Debenhams do sell Playboy stuff, normally on a concession called Fuse

Outfit also sell it, if you have one by you?

Try MandM sports too :smile:
Reply 16
play boy isnt as bad as you guys are making it sound. I bought a gorgeous boob yube/ halter neck and the playboy logo is disguised as a fairy. its lovely and def not chavy. Mind you i bought it second hand and didnt know it was playboy until i got home and found the lable.
Reply 17
I find it quite disturbing that my 15yr old step-niece has quite a lot of Playboy clothing....and I'm not talking about the nice sort, either...
^^15??? Ooooo deary.

More and more young girls are wearing the clothing - I didnt know this was the case at all until a few people on here mentioned about it being targeted at young girls - with the pink, fluffy things and etc
Reply 19
im 16 now but...When i was 14 i bought a watch for £55. never had a lot of the clothes but my duvet cover is play boy. *hides her head in sname*
explaining my self now, ... the two colours match my walls. its bright pnk and pale pink its lovely