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Reply 1
By definition a B grade is NOT a bad grade - its a very good grade actaully. Its Top 40% I think?

The fact is though, whether a grade is good or not should be decided by whether or not you need it for your university offer, not by silly comparisons with other people hehe
Reply 2
I wouldn't say the odd B or two is bad, it's just that the unis I want to go to all want AAA or AAB. I'd say even getting a qualification in an A level is an accomplishment in its own right. Well, that is probably going to get disputed seeing as how A levels are getting "easier".
Reply 3
I got BBC for my A-Levels and I'd consider them pretty good. I know other people would think otherwise; but they got me where I wanted to be so I'm very happy with them.
Yeah a B is good. Remember that the student room isn't representative of all students, a B might look bad compared to the AAA's here, but in reality it's something to be proud of.
I would be over the moon if I got 4 B's on Thursday!
Reply 6
At GCSE i did but AS/2 are a whole new level :s-smilie:
Reply 7
Personally I'd be over the moon if I got a B grade at A-level; I managed two last year but this year is completely different. Remember employers don't judge you merely by the grades you have, or the university you attended, but also on personality and experience. There is more to life than good grades. :smile:
I think the subject you get the B grade in must also be taken into consideration. For instance I would rather have a B grade in Math A-Level than an A in most other A-Levels.

In addition I also find that most people have "their" subject, one clear A-Level they enjoy the most and do well in. Getting a B in "your" subject would be more dissapointing than getting a B in your third A-Level or an AS to make up the numbers.

In general a B grade is NOT a bad grade, but some people, espeacial TSR peeps may be disapointed by a B grade.

Reply 9
It all depends on what your personal goals are. Do you think you can get better than an B? if not, then its a great result. If you think you can do better, then its not such a great result because you havn't done as well as you could have.

So its basically all relative, and you have to look at it in context.
It's a good grade. That's all it is, a good grade.
Reply 11
I wouldn't consider it be a bad grade, it's a very good grade. But in one or two of my subjects the effort I have put in deserves A grades and in this sense I might feel a little dissapointed if I didn't get an A but still happy I managed to get very good grades and get into my firm uni choice because B grades are what I need.
On the whole a B is a very good grade....but it's definitely relative...for someone who is used to getting A grades at like 90% and higher...a B would be a badish grade...not disastrous though.
Reply 13
i suppose it depends on what type of student you are. if that is what one aims for and he/she achieves their goal then yes it is a good grade, however, to some people a B is not a good grade as they would have aimed higher. i am not a A level student but i am aiming for all A's next year ( might seem big headed but i always aim high) and many of TSR members are aiming for A's too, so it really does depend on what type of student and person you are.

in general a B grade is good,
Reply 14
T kay
i suppose it depends on what type of student you are. if that is what one aims for and he/she achieves their goal then yes it is a good grade, however, to some people a B is not a good grade as they would have aimed higher. i am not a A level student but i am aiming for all A's next year ( might seem big headed but i always aim high) and many of TSR members are aiming for A's too, so it really does depend on what type of student and person you are.

in general a B grade is good,

Effort to get an A at GCSE doesn't even touch what is required at A-level to get A's (for some subjects anyway such as science and maths, unless you're really really smart!)
Reply 15
Effort to get an A at GCSE doesn't even touch what is required at A-level to get A's (for some subjects anyway such as science and maths, unless you're really really smart!)

i totally acknowledge the step up from gcse to A level, however, i have read the specs for all the subjects i currently wish to take and i have bought almost all the books that i will require, therefore i think i am at least moderatly prepared come september.
Reply 16
but whether that means i'll get the grades i want we'll have to wait and see, i know i will work my socks off!! but really, i do understand that A levels are a different ball game
Reply 17
...well I know if I got all B's for A-Level come next Thursday, I would be on top of the world!
Reply 18
T kay
but whether that means i'll get the grades i want we'll have to wait and see, i know i will work my socks off!! but really, i do understand that A levels are a different ball game

Yeah, good luck mate! But I warn you the incentive to work at AS is.. low lol.
Bs will always be bad in my books...just because I'm too much of a perfectionist. But saying that, I know I'll be getting at least one/two B grades in my ASs. I know that a B grade is good really at this level, but meh, idk, I just strive for the best, even if I know I won't get it.