The Student Room Group

How to talk your way out of this one?

To start with im not being big headed but im usually quite good at getting myself out of whatever mess I land myself in, just not clever enough to avoid it in the first place.

Anywhooo,..... last night I was with my ex gf who I really want to get back with. Ive tried the whole "be nice" and "wine and chocloates" thing before and it didnt really get anywhere, so I was contemplating giving up. Got hammered at a cheap bar then had a really long conversation with her but I have no idea what the hell I was saying!!!! And then I get a text this morning "what you said last night was really sweet but how do I know you mean it when you were so drunk". So how the hell do I blag my way out of this without her thinking I only said it cos I was drunk, or letting her know I cant remember what I said?! Some of you must have been in this situation before and talked your way out!?
Text back saying:

What part of it did you most like?

Yeah, this could be a good thing. Why don't you say something else nice and say "I'm not drunk now"
Why did you split up in the first place though?
Regression Hypnosis :s-smilie:

Or you could be honest and say you cannot rememeber but you still want her.
Reply 4
Txt back "meet with me and we'll talk about it"

Meet up... then when she brings it up say "I'm not very good with words but you must know that I care about you. Just tell me what you thought it was I meant when i said what i did last night because this is important and i want to make sure we are both on the same page"

Then she tells you what you said. :smile:
Just say 'Because I was speaking from the heart'. Hopefully she'll gradually leave you clues to piece the general gist of it together.
Reply 6
does this remind anyone else of the whole beach letter incident with ross and rachael in friends!? or is it just me?

i think you need to be honest with her, the relationship is going to be doomed if u start it up again on a foundation of lies - even if u did mean what you were saying, you cant remember and she obviously really took it to heart... so just explain to her that you were really drunk, and then just tell her what you want to tell her, what u really do feel, and if thats good enough then she'll like it, becuase it means you can say what you mean without the alcohol.
Hehe that's the first thing I thought of too. I sooo wanted Ross and Rachel to get back together. God, I'm such a girl :p:

OP : I'd recommend you tell her the truth. Say you were drunk, you can't remember what you said and you're terrified of her finding that out because she obviously liked it and you don't want to lose her.

That says it all I would think, she'll certainly know you care.
Reply 8
does this remind anyone else of the whole beach letter incident with ross and rachael in friends!? or is it just me?

i think you need to be honest with her, the relationship is going to be doomed if u start it up again on a foundation of lies - even if u did mean what you were saying, you cant remember and she obviously really took it to heart... so just explain to her that you were really drunk, and then just tell her what you want to tell her, what u really do feel, and if thats good enough then she'll like it, becuase it means you can say what you mean without the alcohol.

It really does remind me of friends... i think you have to be honest like blondey said otherwise if she finds out its gonna backfire on you and any chance of you getting back together will be ruined.
Reply 9
does this remind anyone else of the whole beach letter incident with ross and rachael in friends!? or is it just me?

Reply 10
Ah well, shes gone! Turns out she was pissed also but fed enough of it back to me for me to put the rest together and I was damm impressed with myself, some was a bit OTT but anyway. Certainly dont blame her, if only I hadnt been such a complete **** for the last 2 months there may have been something in it, but **** happens.

Does anyone get annoyed at themselves, I do... which makes it worse cos ive forgiven her for all sorts of **** in the past (to be fair, shes forgiven me as well) but I cant forgive myself anywhere near as quick.

Muchos gratias to everyone whos replied, tis appreciated.