The Student Room Group

So there's this guy...

I've been at uni for a year, and had an absolute ball. I've made brilliant friends, done minimal work and had the time of my life. I also Aaron who's three years older than me and was in the last year of his degree so he has now left.
We got together in the summer term after will-they-won't-theying it since I met him in September. I can honestly say he's my best friend, and I have never met anyone like him, nor do I want to be with anyone else. But now he has left uni, there's not really any opportunity for us to spend significant amounts of time together. He's got a job in his home town which is about three hours drive away from my uni, but my 'real' home, is about eight hours away. Which really sucks.
I would make the effort if he wanted me to but he's very aware that I am only 18 and should be enjoying my uni experience whereas he has done his degree, done his travelling and settled into working life. He's so concerned with doing the right thing that he's overlooking being unhappy. How do I make him see sense?
I sound like someone from Hollyoaks, I do apologise. I can't get an unbiased opinion from anyone, my home friends don't know Aaron at all and my uni friends know him too well!
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Reply 1
Maybe you should respect his decision and leave him be. it might sound harsh but he could be using the end of the year as a convenient excuse to break the relationship up. i had a guy do that to me.
Reply 2
erm, lols at the anons...small world...very small for op..
Reply 3
He he he, good spotting mangaroo!

Seriously though, I think you should let him come to you, if he's the one being difficult!
Do not reply to your own threads offering yourself advice :rolleyes:
But WHY?! Why would you start your own thread and then answer it?!
Reply 6
HAHA no wonder you got warned LMAO - were you trolling or did you just wana get the advice kinda started so you thought youd post yourself:P
Reply 7
I hope you weren't hoping for serious responses after replying to yourself.
Reply 8
Lol... all i can say... lol
HOW odd... some strange people about...
Reply 10
fleur de lis
Do not reply to your own threads offering yourself advice :rolleyes:


Edit: this isnt my topic btw :ninja:
fleur de lis
Do not reply to your own threads offering yourself advice :rolleyes:

Why didnt you de-anon him/her?