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Reply 1
Eek, 17 hours?! How?!

In recent times, probably getting on for 12 hours. I always feel shattered when I've been asleep that long!
Reply 2
Probably around 10 hours
17 1/2. I only woke up because I was woken up.
Reply 4
Oh drats. You beat me more adventurous. :p: Okay who can beat that?

I woke up cuz I got hungry. :biggrin:
Reply 5
probably thought you were dead!
Reply 6
I went sleep at 3 yesterday and woke up at 8.... so about 17 hours. I once had concussion and slept for 21. But I dont think that counts :p:
Reply 7
Don't think I've ever slept for more than 12 hours.
Reply 8
I've slept for about 15 hours before. screwed up my sleeping pattern :smile:
Reply 9
Probably after Reading Festival one year. Think it was about 20 hours. That's what Reading does to you!
Reply 10
stayed awake from wednesday 4am till friday 6pm after a week of 3 hours per night. then slept for 17 hours after it.
Don't think I made it pst 7 let alone 17!
Reply 12
How the heck?!?! Ive never slept for more then 12 hours and even if I do I feel like crap when I wake up. Too much sleep just tires me for some reason.
14 hours. I couldn't believe it.

normally it's between 1-4 hours or 8-12 hours
Reply 14
Gosh, somewhere around 14-15, I'd imagine.
Reply 15
14 hours after I hadn't slept for 2-3 days.
Reply 16
14 hours after I hadn't slept for 2-3 days.

14 hours for me - i was really really exhausted and its only ever happened once
Heh I don't think it would be possible for me to stay in bed for 17 hours at a time! Max is probably 12 hours or so for me.
all night and all day, but only cos i was on heavy booze that day.
Reply 19
I have a natural bodyclock where I can't sleep longer than 8 hours without waking up on my own. For example last night I went to sleep at 11:00pm and woke up at 7:00am. It is really weird because it works whatever time I go to bed. Whereas my brother. Well lets just say he could rival a fair few of your times. He has been known to sleep for 15 hours on the trot before in the holidays, and he usually averages about 12 hours :s-smilie: