The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
The Independent.
Reply 2
The Times
The Guardian/Observer
Reply 4
The Times
It has the world's greatest bitchy columnist (Andrew Pierce, whose column is rather boring, but in person he's more bitchy than 100 actresses)
Reply 5
Defintely not the Torygraph!
Reply 6
My geography teacher used to photocopy articles from it to try and persuade me over to the right wing :s-smilie:
i prefer to read the sunday times...but during the week i get either the guardian or the independant
Reply 8
The Herald beats them all imo :smile:
Reply 9
I'm half and half! I get them both everyday and have made the conclusion that when something awful happends get the telegraph becasue they make it so more vivid and gorey!

However - T2 and The Sunday Times win it for me.
Which one is better?

Bit of a silly question isn't it?
Bit of a silly question isn't it?

hehe sure is Pete :biggrin:
Reply 12
The Telegraph is the most popular broadsheet in the UK.
Personnally I prefer the Daily Telegraph than The Times but prefer The Sunday Times to the Sunday Telegraph.

hehe sure is Pete :biggrin:

Possible new thread in a similar vein as this one: "Catholicism vs. Towels - The ultimate discussion"

In fact, I'm making it now. It should be mod-fodder within seconds...
Reply 14
Which one is better?

They are incomparable.Obviously, "The Times".
Which one is better?

Neither, the guardian is the best paper IMO.
I just buy the Times on a tuesday for it's law supplement. The sports section is fantastically written and is far better than any other newspaper. Although I do like the Guardian.
I just buy the Times on a tuesday for it's law supplement. The sports section is fantastically written and is far better than any other newspaper. Although I do like the Guardian.

I get the times educational suppliment, but that is because my father is a teacher.
Reply 18
The Tory-graph, definitely; the sooner we revert back to the days of thatcherism, the sooner I can afford my yacht in Monte Carlo.
Times all the way!