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Reply 1
i'm pretty sure you don't need creatine to build muscle - people managed it before anyone new about creatine and that sort of crap, didn't they?
Reply 2
no - creatine just helps to increase your rate ever so slightly by improving muscle endurance and recovery rate so you can train harder and longer.
Reply 3
Oh so in other words, creatine just aids in faster results, i.e. quicker recovery right?
Reply 4
yeah pretty much - it is in no way essential to building muscle mass, though can be helpful if you say are training daily with numerous sports matches etc.
Reply 5
Nah, you don't need creatine at all. All it does is act as a cell volumiser so your muscles look slightly larger, but softer, and gives you ability to get out an extra rep or two by replenishing your muscle ATP more quickly, though this latter effect varies greatly from person to person.

I was on just whey till about a week ago. I've added to that Creatine Ethly Ester (as opposed to creatine mono), Taurine (similar effect as creatine, very cheap), ALCAR (some studies show it assists with fat loss, increases energy and focus) and also 1 caffiene tablet (200 mg) - I take all this **** about 40-50 minutes pre-workout.
Reply 6
thats ALOT of supplimentation pav - you sure that ****'s healthy in the L-R??
Reply 7
Yeah another reason why im weary about it... damn!
Reply 8
thats ALOT of supplimentation pav - you sure that ****'s healthy in the L-R??

yep I'm sure. Taurine is an amino acid, I take about 2-3g, I could take up to 20g and it wouldn't effect me adversly. I'm intending to stay on CEE for about 6 weeks then stop, though people who choose this over creatine mono tend not to cycle it at all and use it as a permanent supplement, it doesn't have any of the negative effects of creatine mono but it's not as good either. ALCAR's an AA derivitive, I've not found anything about negative side effects so far.

I'm pretty much sticking to these and not adding other crap, and I'm certainly avoiding stims and the like.
Reply 9
personally I wouldn't - a load of rugby players at my school take it and some of them are weird ****ers - and also I have advice from a couple of PE teachers (one former international at his sport) that creatine isn't a fantastic thing for you, and to be honest, i reckon you may as well save your money.
Reply 10
personally I wouldn't - a load of rugby players at my school take it and some of them are weird ****ers - and also I have advice from a couple of PE teachers (one former international at his sport) that creatine isn't a fantastic thing for you, and to be honest, i reckon you may as well save your money.

I really looked into getting any creatine before I eventually decided on CEE. The reason being Creatine Monohydrate (the one most refer to) has potential side effects throughout the digestive tract from cramps to more unpleasant things. CEE doesn't have any, but it's also less effective and tastes AWFUL.
fair enough - i must say im not totally versed on the ins and outs of creatine - not really looking to build muscle mass, just a little light work, so never considered it.
Reply 12
you dont need to take all this **** unless you want to get really big though, do you? You can get muscular just on shakes easy.
Reply 13
No not Mr O style... lmao. I see, thanks alot then :smile:
Reply 14
you dont need to take all this **** unless you want to get really big though, do you? You can get muscular just on shakes easy.

or just on food, in fact
yep I'm sure. Taurine is an amino acid, I take about 2-3g, I could take up to 20g and it wouldn't effect me adversly. I'm intending to stay on CEE for about 6 weeks then stop, though people who choose this over creatine mono tend not to cycle it at all and use it as a permanent supplement, it doesn't have any of the negative effects of creatine mono but it's not as good either. ALCAR's an AA derivitive, I've not found anything about negative side effects so far.

Most people find CEE gives better reults than monohydrate.

I'm pretty much sticking to these and not adding other crap, and I'm certainly avoiding stims and the like.

Erm...ALCAR and caffeine are stims

Lodzinki, this isn't a lot of supplements at all to be honest, its a good stack for beginners/intermediate lifters :smile:.
Reply 16
or just on food, in fact

well indeed. I was going to say that, but cba with getting flamed by protien shake fanboys. That said, shakes do make things a bit easier if you cant eat liek a demon (like you have work or whatever and cant spend ages making meals). But outside that, everything else seems largely unecessary unless you want to get massive, which i dont think is many peoples' (even rugby players in my squad) goal.
Reply 17
ALCAR isn't a stim.
ALCAR isn't a stim.

take some 30mins before bed and let me know what happens :smile:.

It is.
or just on food, in fact

Yeh i think people are too quick to jump to shakes/ supplements. I found good resulkts just eating loads.