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i don't but my sis does. i think most people who use computers get extra time too cos its slower to type than to write and harder to get thought patterns out typing than writing.

my sister gets it cos she has spinal problems so she can't grip pens propperly for very long and she needs to get up and walk around during the exams
Reply 2
Yeah...with me though typing is wayyyy quicker lol!
Reply 3
i think most people who use computers get extra time too cos its slower to type than to write and harder to get thought patterns out typing than writing.

I strongly doubt that that's the reason :p: Firstly I write alot faster typing instead of using paper and pen and my thoughts flow more easily this way. Secondly the reason that people who get laptops also get extra time is because in order to get a laptop you'll probably have some neurological disorder or physical disability which impedes your exam performance.
Reply 4

i type alot faster than writing, when i was assessed it was shown that i can only write 13 words per minute whereas i can type 27 words per minute, plus it is so much easier to put my thoughts down when typing as it just flows and i can easily go back and change anything
Reply 5
Yeah- my writing is like 14 wpm, but I also have difficulties processing (the way I think and take in information takes alot longer than everyone else) plus I have a crap short term memory (remembering quotes is particularly challenging)
Reply 6
Got to agree with my friends here. I'm a pretty slow writer and it takes ages for me to write something down on paper. But when I had my assessment, I was told that I type at twice the average rate of a normal person. So I can type a lot quicker then I can write (in fact, for all of this paragraph, I don't even look at the keyboard, I just type).

So yer, I had both a laptop and extra time for my exams.
Reply 7
I can sorta touch type... when I get "in the flow" if you KWIM?
Reply 8
I don't even look at the keyboard, I just type

Reply 9

All it proves is that we spend too much time on the net since we just know by instinct where all the different keys are
All it proves is that we spend too much time on the net since we just know by instinct where all the different keys are

Not really. My mother made me practise typing when I was a girl. I could touch type quite quickly a year or two before I moved the the UK and first encountered broadband.
I can type fast. But I can write faster.

Well, when I say write, I mean I can illegibly scrawl. But yeah I get both; I have a tremor so whilst my typing is better than my writing I sitll whack random keys and have to go back a lot. It's actually really frustrating; completely destroys your train of thought :mad: .
I've just had my DSA assessment and they've recommended I use a laptop in exams, and have extra time, and time for breaks as well.
Reply 13
I've just had my DSA assessment and they've recommended I use a laptop in exams, and have extra time, and time for breaks as well.

I always wondered what people did during these breaks. The only thing that came to my mind was a supervised fag.
lol i was taken to the staff cantean for my breaks for a cup of tea for about 10 mins and then back to my exam
Anyone here use laptop AND extra time in exams?

I have severe dyspraxia and use both...does anyone else?:smile:

I do too - had it for A2s and will get it at uni as well, it's a big help!
lol i was taken to the staff cantean for my breaks for a cup of tea for about 10 mins and then back to my exam

Hehe I did my A2s in a separate room and used to go to the toilets and warm my hands under the dryer...I think the examiner wanted to shoot me by the end of it! :biggrin:
Reply 17
I wasn't offered a break, but if I was, I think I would rather not have it.

I'd rather get the exam over and done with so I could leave.
i have no choice my hands lock up and i get cramps in them if i continue typing or writing for a long time, if its an exam that just over an hour then i tend not to have the breaks but if their longer i do and do my therapy for 10 mins to try and prevent them from locking
I have a computer and extra time for my exams, i'm supposed to have a radio as well cos i find it really difficult to concentrate in silence but that hasn't turned up, apparently because it will disturb the others, these 'others' i haven't yet met, the only other in my exam room over the past two years has been my invigilator.