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Help! Where can I take him so it wont be awkward?

Lately me and my boyfriend have been going through a bit of a bad patch. We've been together a few months and everything was going well but things started to get a bit hard over the long uni holiday. We almost broke up at one point because we dont see eachother enough and when we do, its awkward because there are a lot of long silences.

We're meant to be meeting up this weekend but i dont know where we can go. None of us want to travel to eachothers houses (too far and lack of money) so we'll most likely meet mid-point somewhere.

Can anyone suggest anywhere we can meet up? I was going to suggest a park but last time we went there, it was a total disaster as he got bored. Im quite happy to sit around chatting and doing nothing but hes not happy unless we're doing something interesting.

I need to think of somewhere fun where we can still chat and stuff but theres not a lack of stuff to do (I was thinking maybe a shopping centre complex coz we can look round shops, go see a film etc). What sort of stuff do you do with your boyfriend/girlfriend? I just dont want the meeting to be awkward because I dont see him often and its an opportunity to clear the air a bit and put things back to normal between us
Reply 1
Urm, I'm not too sure what to suggest, I'm sure other people will be more helpful though! All I can think of is maybe a zoo, or theme park, if you both like that sort of thing :smile: You can usually find 2 for 1 vouchers for places such as these, so that helps cut the cost a little if money is tight. Good luck!
Reply 2
pub if your old enough. or arcades or a pool club always fun :smile: or bowling or ice skating
Reply 3
pub if your old enough. or arcades or a pool club always fun :smile: or bowling or ice skating

There, someone has already suggested better things than me! I think I chose the most expensive things to do lol =S I just love the zoo *sigh* :rolleyes:
I do like the theme park idea if you have been having problems though, the scary rides etc wil make you feel closer, and you can take pictures and make a real day of it, and re-bond. Given that you will be spending less time together over the vac it would be nice to do something a little different.
You should do a few things then so that it doesn't get boring for him and awkward for both of you, i agree with the idea of bowling/ice skating followed by cinema and a meal so you can talk throughout the time spent together and also have fun. good luck, hope it sorts :smile:
Reply 6
It sounds to me as though you're the only one trying to make an effort to make it work. He should be thinking about this too, not to mention he should be the one suggesting an "interesting" activity, if that's what he wants. Guys like him probably get bored easily and are in constant search of something intriguing and challeging. Are you sure you want to be with him? Do you really want to spend your life thinking about whether he finds you interesting or not? Think about it and if the answer is no, move on! I am sure there are a lot of guys capable of making conversation and being interested in you so that you won't have to worry about it and ask it in the forum. :smile:

Yeah i can defo see where youre coming from. I phoned him earlier and its really getting frustrating coz everything I suggested he said was "boring" (ie the zoo, cinema etc). I asked him what he wanted to do and all I got in response was "I dunno. You decide". I get the feeling that hes a bit too indifferent about it, you know? He says he wants me to just "think about it and get back to him" :rolleyes:

Are your personalities quite different?

Yeah we're complete opposites. I'm quite outgoing whereas hes very very quiet (it was ok at first as we kind of complimented eachother in social situations lol), but now its at the point where its becoming really uncomfortable, especially on the phone, as there are long pauses where I finish talking and he doesnt say anything! We're interested in different things too. I really do care for him but Im getting tired of worrying whether hes interested in what I talk about/do. I guess opposites can attract for a while but then it starts to strain a bit.

Argh I dunno. May suggest the theme park idea, he has to find that a little bit exciting at least lol