Lately me and my boyfriend have been going through a bit of a bad patch. We've been together a few months and everything was going well but things started to get a bit hard over the long uni holiday. We almost broke up at one point because we dont see eachother enough and when we do, its awkward because there are a lot of long silences.
We're meant to be meeting up this weekend but i dont know where we can go. None of us want to travel to eachothers houses (too far and lack of money) so we'll most likely meet mid-point somewhere.
Can anyone suggest anywhere we can meet up? I was going to suggest a park but last time we went there, it was a total disaster as he got bored. Im quite happy to sit around chatting and doing nothing but hes not happy unless we're doing something interesting.
I need to think of somewhere fun where we can still chat and stuff but theres not a lack of stuff to do (I was thinking maybe a shopping centre complex coz we can look round shops, go see a film etc). What sort of stuff do you do with your boyfriend/girlfriend? I just dont want the meeting to be awkward because I dont see him often and its an opportunity to clear the air a bit and put things back to normal between us