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I'm worried. I'm an 18 year old girl and I've never had a boyfriend. I've kissed lots of guys at school, in clubs, had a "mini relationship" that lasted only a month...I called it off. We only got as far as kissing. eh, actually, one date. And I hated holding hands with made me feel inadaquate somehow, like I was weak, or unattractive...similarly with cuddling.:frown:

Whenever a guy seems to want to actually get into a relationship with me, I bolt. I recently started working in a new part time job, and got invited on a work night out. There was one gut there who I'd fancied SO MUCH since I got my job...and I pulled him. I was delighted! But since then, I have gone off him, completely. this is absolutely typical behaviour; I turn my back on perfectly decent guys, attractive guys that like me. :confused:

Whats wrong with me???! I'm definately attracted to men, so thats not the issue. I'm confident, I'm a conversationalist, I'm clever, I'm attractive...I find it very difficult to objectively judge how "good looking" I am; but lots of people have told me I'm very pretty, and guys give me plenty if positive attention...I love flirting!
I know this sounds as though I really shouldn't have a problem - (I'm not arrogant btw - only trying to be honest and objective) -

BUT I DO HAVE A PROBLEM!!! I can't get a boyfriend!!!!!

Cheers for reading that...if anyone can help/has any idea what my problem is/is the same as me, I would really appreciate hearning your thoughts!

Also, may I ask the GUYS - would you be turned off going out with a girl of my age, in my situation - ie. who seems "normal" (well, no ones "normal" really!!), but who has very little sexual experience? Or would you assume there must be something a bit strange because nobody else wants me? :redface:
Stop looking for a reason to bolt. Give relationships a chance. Also change your attitude about hand holding and cuddling. It doesn't mean anything bad but rather a way of expressing feelings for another person. Since you take it in a bad way you're giving guys signals that you don't like them. Be open and don't be afraid of commitment. There's nothing wrong it. :smile:
But you're only 18! I didn't go out with anyone till around that age and found it weird that 14 year olds around me had boyfriends!
Reply 3
yeah I know what you mean...glad I haven't grown up too fast and all...BUT everyone else around me has all had boyfriends/girlfriends from early ages! I'm the odd one out :frown:
And whose fault is that?!?! Be happy kowing that if you really wanted and if you didnt just be stupid you could easily have a nice decent boyfriend by now. Feel sorry for the stupid ugly fat peopel who cant get any kind of relationship because nobody wants to be seen with them!
Whats wrong with me???! I'm confident, I'm a conversationalist, I'm clever, I'm attractive.
Well, you could start by deflating your head a little bit...
Reply 6
Maybe on some level you dont feel ready for a serious relationship right now? You say you go off decent guys who are interested in you, perhaps its because none of them have been quite *right* for you, and you enjoy the freedom of being able to flirt too much to sacrifice that. Really, there is no point putting pressure on yourself to get a boyfriend, you dont need to, just wait till you meet someone you really like rather than forcing it.