The Student Room Group

Moving on

If anyone could give me some advice right now I would be really greatful.
I was best friends with a wonderful person for 2 years up until today. We were always extremely close, would tell each other anything and were like family.

She'd been a bit funny for 2 months and kept making excuses not to see me, and when I called her house her family often lied and said that I couldn't come over because everyone was out. However I knew at least someone was in, because one member was on MSN as online.
Today she rang me and told me that she "couldn't deal with being my friend anymore." I know that there are two reasons for this: She's been ill this year and possibly finds it too hard to deal with her problems as well as supporting me, or that she can't contact me anymore because she's been instructed not to.

I don't really have any other friends and have never had anyone like her who gave me constant support. She was the friend I always wanted. So question is- how do I move on? I've lost somebody before and was like this for ages. I have a feeling this could go on for a long time.
Reply 1
I recently went through this with my best friend of 25 years so I know how you feel. I think in your case its bad because you dont really know what happened. For closure, you need to find out why. Who knows, they could decide they were wrong and come back to you. However, it is a sad fact that even the strongest friendships end and lifelong friendships are rare. Is your friend of to uni aswell? It could be something to do with this stage of life which is a rite of passage and effects people in different ways. either way, you are about to make so many new friends that at least you wont be lonely.
Reply 2
I did try to find out to get closure but both her and her family are the type that won't specifically say and lie to try and protect you from making things worse. I don't take to that well.

I'm hoping that she'll decide she was wrong. She's been ill with sinusitis and back problems before and nearly ended our friendship. This time seems like it's completly over though. She's much older than me so won't be at uni.
I do wonder if she's using illness as an excuse, you can't just stop being friends like that.
Reply 4
Did she go to Uni? Maybe the fact that you are going is one of the problems. Hmmmm my friend always has sinusitis too..hope its not the same one!
Reply 5
I'm wondering that too about illness. 2 months ago she told me she'd recovered. When she called today she said she's been to Germany twice and was off to Greece tonight but was still ill.

She did go to uni yeah. She suffered from depression in her final year and said that she'd be there for me as she understood what I'm going through.