The Student Room Group

Bad Breath

Hey everyone.

Just wondering. There is someone in my team who has bad hot stick breath - I hope that gives you a clear enough image. I have have to sit next to them through out the day. Its not as if, after I while I forget about it. It just smells and I feel bad for thinking it, but its disgusting. Im sure other people in my team think the same. What do I do? Say? I give out strong body language as if I dont want to talk to them - they still do not get the picture. Its seriously putting me off work.

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Reply 1
take some mints with you and offer some, maybe try and get away with mentioning it politely/joking manner?
"Dude, your breathe smells like ass."

Okay, I would never say that and I'm not suggesting you do, but it pleased me to think it. I'm not sure what you could do to be honest but I know this situation would annoy the hell out of me too.
It could be some medical affliction like tonsilloliths...
Reply 4
But she does not stop talking ffs! And when she comes over to my desk and starts giggling and talking its in my face. You have no idea how uncomfortable personal hygiene is to me. If she approaches me again I will offer some mints and/or just leave and say I need to go. Dont get me wrong she is a sweet girl but eww making me shudder
Reply 5
It could be some medical affliction like tonsilloliths...

Did you just make that up? :s-smilie: :p:

I would just offer mints.
Did you just make that up? :s-smilie: :p:

I would just offer mints.

No, fool. I get 'em too. :p: Very distinctive smell too. Ew.
Reply 7
lol. :p:
My friend has pretty hideous BO, and he's always dancing about with his arms in the ****ing air. I smelled his arm pit once, not knowing about his affliction, and gagged.

But I've never said anything to him; nor has anyone else. And I doubt I/they ever will. It's just one of those awkward things where there isn't really a solution. I know, I know -- in PSE we were all taught that telling them is the right thing to do (I can even remember where I was sitting in that lesson, THAT'S how much fun I was having), but no socially well-adjusted person would ever go ahead and do it.
i had i guy i grew up with called karl and he had ginger hair , and in our innocence we used to joke saying he had gingervitous (don't know how to spell it proply).the thing was though he also had ****in terrible breath, i mean you would be queing up in the dinner hall (me being slightly behind and to the left of him) and you would just step into this invisible speach bubble of what smelt like arse, it was bad news.

it also begged the question, did he have gingavitous?
I once knew a girl who hadn't brushed her teeth in 2 years, but at least she used chewing gum to cover it up! Spray them in the face with fabreeze, that'll do the trick though :smile:
Stop kissing your team mates?
Reply 12
I once knew a girl who hadn't brushed her teeth in 2 years, but at least she used chewing gum to cover it up! Spray them in the face with fabreeze, that'll do the trick though :smile:

No, no, no, surely not :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Some people are utterly insane, I feel filthy if I go half a day without brushing my teeth.

negated enigma
i had i guy i grew up with called karl and he had ginger hair , and in our innocence we used to joke saying he had gingervitous (don't know how to spell it proply).the thing was though he also had ****in terrible breath, i mean you would be queing up in the dinner hall (me being slightly behind and to the left of him) and you would just step into this invisible speach bubble of what smelt like arse, it was bad news.

it also begged the question, did he have gingavitous?

I think his lack of a soul is of more immediate concern.
Reply 13
But she does not stop talking ffs! And when she comes over to my desk and starts giggling and talking its in my face. You have no idea how uncomfortable personal hygiene is to me. If she approaches me again I will offer some mints and/or just leave and say I need to go. Dont get me wrong she is a sweet girl but eww making me shudder

can you do a good donkey impression from shrek maybe she'll get the hint then? oh you might want to hand her some mints when you say it as well
But she does not stop talking ffs! And when she comes over to my desk and starts giggling and talking its in my face. You have no idea how uncomfortable personal hygiene is to me. If she approaches me again I will offer some mints and/or just leave and say I need to go. Dont get me wrong she is a sweet girl but eww making me shudder

all the more reason to give her chewing gum.
Offer her mints whenever she comes over to you.
Reply 16
Kill her.

(At first I thought that might be spam, but I figured that my comment is actually more helpful than all the "offer her mints" one because it provides a permanent solution, not a very temporary cover up!
Reply 17
[ceman']Kill her.

(At first I thought that might be spam, but I figured that my comment is actually more helpful than all the "offer her mints" one because it provides a permanent solution, not a very temporary cover up!



Ill give her mints dude. lol. its polite, shes a confident girl, and always seem - bubbly. ill offer her sweets/mints
No, no, no, surely not :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


I think his lack of a soul is of more immediate concern.

Offer her mints whenever she comes over to you.

she may refuse, its like tha old saying

"you can lead a horse to water , but you can't amke it suck your cock"