The Student Room Group

Dealing with the fact...

Hey was just wondering how you deal with the fact that someone who you thought really liked you in a romantic way, now probably doesn't like you at all.

I have to face this guy who was like that with me. At one time I thought he really liked me - most people I know said he did but now circumstances have changed and I know he is not going to be nice to me. We used to flirt, have really good conversations and a laugh but from now on when I see him it's going to hurt so badly that he won't be like that with me.

How do I deal with the fact he will be off with me and distant -perhaps maybe unpleasant.

It hurts so much knowing someone can change like this so suddenly.
Is there any reaosn why he isn't going to be nice to you?
Reply 2
I guess you'll just have to be the stronger person. You cannot just stay quiet about it and just take it in. Confront him and explain to him why he's being so mean and childish about the situation.
Reply 3
Thanks for replying, the reason why he probably won't be nice is that we were seeing each other and it's all turned rather sour.
how recent was the split?
best thing is to give contact a break for a little if it's gone sour. after 3 to 4 weeks discussing what happened and saying sorry if it's needed is usually an approachable topic... that's my experience anyway
Well he might not be off with you, prepare yourself for the worst. Then if the worst arises you're prepared anything else and you'll be pleasently suprised ^^ also it can't be THAT bad huh?
Reply 6
Thanks for your replies. Things turned sour at the beginning of this week but I am not due back to uni until September so plenty of time to prepare myself.

I am going to prepare myself for the worst, It would be nice to talk to him about what happened but I don't know If that will be possible. Guess I shall just have to return to work and be professional about it, I'm not going to care if he acts off with me because he's not worth it.
you just have to move on, get over him, forget it ever happened
The only thing I can say is that you will have to deal with it the best way you can. Speaking from my own experience of a similar situation, I know how difficult it can be. When the time comes to face him, just act normal and don't show him it's bothering you still.

He isn't worth it, but I bet you've got a little voice shouting somewhere "he is!". Don't listen to that voice, because it will just lead to more hurt feelings.
Reply 9
The only thing I can say is that you will have to deal with it the best way you can. Speaking from my own experience of a similar situation, I know how difficult it can be. When the time comes to face him, just act normal and don't show him it's bothering you still.

He isn't worth it, but I bet you've got a little voice shouting somewhere "he is!". Don't listen to that voice, because it will just lead to more hurt feelings.

Haha yep that's exactly how I am feeling. My head is being logical and telling me to move on but my heart is still clinging onto him. It sucks, but I know my heart will eventually follow my head.

I have a few weeks before I face him so I have time to gather my emotions and prepare myself meeting him face to face.