The Student Room Group
Reply 1
you need to apply for one. you can do it online if youve got it set up or you will need to go to the branch.
sometimes you will need to see the manager
Reply 2
I've got online banking but dont know where the link is for increasing my overdraft, cant find it anywhere :s-smilie:
Reply 3
I'm needing to go get mine increased. I'm going to go into a branch and get them to do it that way.
You need to go in to your local branch and talk to someone there. They will ask you a few questions such as how much you spend on rent, mobile phone credit, bills, going out etc to kind of justify you having your limit increased. It should only take a few minutes. Take your bank card along with you and maybe some ID just incase.
Reply 5
I'm sure I heard that it happens automatically in September.
Reply 6
Hello going into second year o uni and wondered how increase my overdraft limit?

It goes up by £150 in the second year and then £200 each subsequent year for up to 5 years and all interest free of course but you're allowed to increase or decrease your limit whenever you want.
I went in to my local branch after I had finished my first year to get my overdraft increased.

The lady at the desk said that the systems wont let them increase the overdraft until September - the start of the academic year.

Therefore there is a couple of weeks wait yet.

Dont forget your evidence that you have progressed onto the next year of your course.
do we need evidence?? :O i dont have any as im starting first year again, can i still get my overdraft extended? i desperatly need it extended, natwest says you have up to 5 years so i was thinking that i could, and my friend had his extended when he started first year again, what would i say when i go in the bank?
Reply 9
The "up to 5 years" is for people studying longer courses (like medicine), AFAIK.

Also note that you only get another £150 in the second year, which isn't a huge amount.
hmm i know its only £150 more but i have no money right now i need that £150 so much, will i not be able to get it then :confused: i think ill go and ask anyway just incase.
Reply 11
call 08457 888 444, select loans and overdrafts then student overdrafts, ask them to increase. They ask you security questions etc. and then if approved happens within two working days :smile:

Does anyone know if the overdraft is available from increase on 1st of Sept or do we have to wait until uni starts... Uni's have different start dates so i was just wondering...