hi guys as i was wodnering if anyone could help me
for a while now, i've been dreaming in my sleep a lot. i'm not quite sure what i'm dreaming about but i imagine it's about all the things that are on my mind. it's always active, even when i try to sleep. i just think a lot and as a result of my contant dreaming, i don't get quality sleep. so everyone morning i wake up i feel like sleep, often very moody,depressed and exhausted. i've had enough of it so i'm going to do something about it. the number one thing that's on my mind is the operations i'mn going to have/ i just think and dream about having it done and then i can finally feel good about my self.
basically i'm having barces, a jaw operation and a nose job. as you can imagine, if i'm having all this done i must look a bit weird. well i don't but these parts of my body do bother me a lot. for instance, i was at some training for work the other day. it involved standing in front of everyone doing role plays etc. i'm a confident person anyway so i was quite excited about it. i like attension and i like doing things like that. but i get really demotivated when people are looking at me because i know they're looking at my abnormal features lol. someone did comment on my nose whcih made me feel uncomfortable. it does knock me back but not so that i completely gigve up.
i'm 19 and fed up to the back ear (a new saying maybe?) of this and i want to do soemthing about it promto!!!
ok, i'm on the wairting list for these operations. i've been on there for 24 momnths (2 years!!), ive rang them up to ask how long i've got to wait and they told me they don't know. it's really getting me down now and i'm scared it's going to affect my university performance. i need and want to succeed at university so badly, i do not want this on my case affecting me.
so for this not to happen, i'd perfer a date when i'm going to have my braces and operation. if there's still a long wait, i'm prepared to get a loan and pay for my braces treatment, anyting to hurry this process up!
does anyone know about private braces treatment? how do you go about it?
should i see my dentist or doctor or even the hospital about the way i feel about this? it is affecting my mental health as described above.
would writing a letter to the orthodontic department in my hospital help at all? would they reply?
any replies would be lovely. thanks.