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Do guys wish their girlfriends would dress more feminine?

My boyfriend recently said that he would like it if I was a bit more girly in the way I dress and stuff.

Admittedly, I do practically live in my Jeans during the week cos theyre so damn comfy! and to be honest if youre just hanging around and stuff whats wrong with jeans etc. I do wear skirts/shorts/dresses and heels etc when I go out at weekend.

Even when I am in my jeans my hair and makeup is always done as I feel better that way.

I just wondered if other lads feel the same way and wish women would dress more like women?

I must admit, I took offence a little bit as its like saying he doesnt really fancy me how I am.

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Reply 1
I always wear jeans, I don't like skirts or dresses.
I've never thought it might make me look 'unfeminine' before...
I'll be interested in the answers too!
Reply 2
I'd take offense too, I always wear jeans during the day :confused: I don't think there's anything wrong with that at all. I do my hair and make up as well; clearly you're well presented. Your boyfriend is fussy ;dry;
Reply 3
Are you sure he's not using 'feminine' as a euphemism for 'lingerie'?
Reply 4
Hmm, this could be interesting.

My boyfriend met me when I was wearing scruffy jeans and a baggy hoodie, and that didn't seem to put him off at all.
If I appear at the door wearing a skirt or something, then he normally comments and might playfully "check that it's real", but it just seems to be a nice treat for him :s-smilie: To be honest I don't think he really cares what I wear, most of the time.
Reply 5
I always wear jeans, i hate skirts.
Reply 6
My boyfriend always says he'd like me to wear a skirt...he wants me to feel confident enough to do so, but I'm not & won't be for a long time :P He's never said anything about looking more feminine though, I don't really think that's the reason. He doesn't seem to care about what other people wear that much as long as they don't look stupid.

I live in jeans too :biggrin: ALL I wear, haha.
When I met my ex, I wore those big grunger baggies. I never wore make up, disliked skirts. He knew I wasn't much of a girly girl but once I compromised and dressed up for a party and he appreciated it because he knew that it had taken a lot of confidence and I had made the effort.

I don't think you should be offended. He didn't completely reject your dress sense. Every guy likes that sort of thing, I suppose. Just make him aware that you're making an effort to look more feminine so he needs to not take it for granted.
Reply 8
What?!? Does he expect you in heels and skirts all the time? That's not very practical. I often wear baggyish trousers and rarely wear makeup and if my boyfriend said anything I'd probably be a bit offended as well. I mean, I have breasts and a girl's face/body, I shave my legs and under my arms, I'm always clean and nice-smelling, and I wear clothes designed for women. I'm hardly masculine. I'd understand him liking it when I dress up but frankly it'd be uncomfortable to do every day. I hope your boyfriend puts a lot of effort into his appearance, else he's being quite unfair. Why don't you tell him you wish he'd work out more to look more masculine ... :wink:
I think you girls are making a bit too much of what he said.
Reply 10
To quote the song:

"You will wear skirts/
And Dresses/
You will not wear jeans/
Or anything masculine./"
Reply 11
My bf doesn't ask me to be more feminine but he always compliments me more when I wear a dress or skirt, hehe :smile:

I'd probably be offended a bit if he asked me to change the way I dress though..
i don't mind at all. i prefer to know the girl behind the make-up and high heels. it's good to get dressed up once in a while because it's all part of making an effort for each other (say if you're going out for a meal or to the theatre), but most of the time i'd rather see my girlfriend comfortable, happy and how she'd like to be.
Reply 13
well, maybe you need to bring the subject up again and discuss it with him. try and find out why he would like to see you dress more 'feminine' and what he means by that. could be looooaaaads of things.
maybe he just loves to look at your body and your womanly curves and finds that your jeans destract from them instead of enhancing them. maybe he likes to see your legs bare, maybe he does really not like the way you dress...
think you should just try and find out exactly what's going on and then you can more easily decide how to react.

and i would not be offended if my boyfriend criticised what I was wearing. I'd be glad that he pointed out to me that what I was wearing didn't look very good and happy that he felt he could be honest to me in his opinion and didn't have to tip toe around my feelings (cause I like him more than I like any item of clothing i have and would welcome his thoughts). Doesn't mean you have to change your style for him, but if it's something that bothers him you could at least think about it before dismissing his sense of stlye.
It's not like any guy would break up with you though because of something like clothes, that would be rediculous, hahaha.
Reply 14
Im a girly girl. I like to wear dresses and skirts and pretty tops. I do occasionally wear jeans, especially in the winter.
I dress the way i do because thats how i feel comfortable though. I feel at my best in those types of clothes, which im guessing must be the same for you when you wear your jeans. And thats the most important thing, when i wear clothes i dont feel comfortable in i feel awful!
So i say just stick to what you usually wear and let him moan.
Reply 15
to be fair jeans aren't that masculine.

You should ask your bf "how feminine". He probably would stutter a bit after hearing that.
My boyfriend said he would like to see me in more skirts and dresses, but i love my jeans. He also said he would like me to dress more slutty and thats not gonna happen.
Reply 17
My boyfriend said he would like to see me in more skirts and dresses, but i love my jeans. He also said he would like me to dress more slutty and thats not gonna happen.

Is that in private or just in general.....?

In my experience of decent bf's they don't want you to dress sluttily and have everything out in public because thats not classy, and guys don't date girls like that :confused: but, you never know, personal preferences and all that jazz
Reply 18
im usually more attracted to girls in 'feminine' clothes, skirts and dresses and cardigans and that, i mentioned it to my now ex girlfriend, didnt go down too good....

..although now that we are apart she has bought quite a few cute dresses and says we should go shopping together.. -.- women...
dress like a woman, know your role,

know your limits