The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
when did you find out? did you have a conditional offer? how did you find out?
Reply 2
I've applied to whitworth and still waiting for an e-mail. I rang them today and they said I should get one within the next week. Seems a lot of people already have a place in accom on facebook and yougo.
Hey! I just wonder who got in Whitworth Park :smile: I know there will be more than 1000 students but it would still be great to know somebody before coming :smile:

I am in Leamington and coming 13th September. Who's going to be my housemates? :smile: :smile: :smile:

I applied there, but as I'll be a postgrad I won't know if I got a room until the end of August. :s-smilie:
Reply 4
Im staying at Whitworth Park in Aberdeen House. Got my confirmation about a month ago but that was due to the fact that I had an unconditional offer.:smile:
Reply 5
I wish I was back in Whitworth Park :frown:

If you have any queries about it, feel free to PM me :smile:
Reply 6
I got my unconditional much earlier :P everybody, post something as soon as u get to know about yr accommodation!
Reply 7
Yessss in Dilworth house I think, with unconditional offer.
Reply 8
Aberdeen House!

what does that mean!?
Reply 9
I'm in :biggrin:

Garstang House GA.01.24.171
No idea what the numbers mean, but ee :biggrin: So glad I can stop stressing about it now
I'm in Dilworth House. DI.02.12.093 - I also have no idea what that means lol. What day is everyone moving in?
Reply 11
does anyone know if there is a tv in the flats? and also, how big are the rooms in aberdeen?
i'm so excited, but so nervous now!!
Reply 12
i lived in Aberdeen 1 last year... we were constantly living in a pig stie but we loved it lol, aberdeen hadnt been refurbished last year dont know if they did it over the summer so dont be suprised if they seem like dumps compared to the other flats!! No TV's already in there, but there is an ariel point in each of the lounges in the flats..
I'm so jealous. It's unfair UK postgrads are only given what's left over. :frown:
Reply 14
I'm in :biggrin: - The Garstang house.
Reply 15
Think that the numbering works by the first two letters are the abbreviation of the house that you are in. The first number is the floor you are on. The second number is the flat number and the last number is the room number in that flat.

I’m in AB. G. 22. 177 which I think means Aberdeen House. Ground floor. Flat 22. Room 177.

I could be completely wrong though but that is the only way I can make any sense out of it.
Reply 16
i lived in Aberdeen 1 last year... we were constantly living in a pig stie but we loved it lol, aberdeen hadnt been refurbished last year dont know if they did it over the summer so dont be suprised if they seem like dumps compared to the other flats!! No TV's already in there, but there is an ariel point in each of the lounges in the flats..

I looked on accommodation website and the amount i'm paying is under the "single room, refurbished" heading so i'm guessing it has!
Reply 17
Think that the numbering works by the first two letters are the abbreviation of the house that you are in. The first number is the floor you are on. The second number is the flat number and the last number is the room number in that flat.

I’m in AB. G. 22. 177 which I think means Aberdeen House. Ground floor. Flat 22. Room 177.

I could be completely wrong though but that is the only way I can make any sense out of it.

That would have been my best guess as well
Reply 18
i got into Garstang house:smile:
Reply 19
hey, anybody in Leamington? :smile: I also dont understand those numbers but never mind, we'll find out soon!

I heard something from student from another uni that if u want to come to yr accommodation by car u have to register cause they get very busy and let only registered ones. Do you know if we should do anything before coming? Or we can only take our papers and go straight to Whit? Maybe we need to call them before?