The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Am I right in saying that that's the only en-suite accommodation they have? Btw were you initially offered a conditional or an unconditional offer as I thought that unconditionals received their accommodation details about a month ago and conditionals in early September as is stated in the booklet that you get?
Reply 2
Yeah Newton is the only en-suite! Thats the only hall where u get 10 meals a week in with the rent as well!

I had a conditional offer. From what I understand both Conditional and Unconditional were sent out at the same time! My friend has an unconditional but hasn't heard anything yet but I presume it'll be in the post sometime next week!!!

what was ur choice of accomodation like?

it'll be weird in newton because its a mixture of years, not just us Newbies :biggrin:
Reply 3
Yeah I got a conditional too and put my name down for en-suite so fingers crossed I hear from them fairly soon then. Hey didn't know about that 10 meals a week thing, sounds pretty good to me that!
Reply 4
yeah from what i read ya get ur lunch and dinner monday - friday! which was on of he main reasons i chose it haha coz i dont think i'll be very good at budgeting for food etc haha!

where abouts are ya from? coz if ya live more that 20 miles from warrington ur almost certain to get the accomodation u wanted!:biggrin:
Reply 5
Well I would have thought my profile location would have given it away but I'm from Manchester so I think I'm probably relatively lower down the priority list than people like yourself. Ideally I'd love to be offered the hall that you've got as I don't really fancy sharing a shower an that although having said that I've been doing it all my life so it's probably not going to be too much of a big deal if I have to do it for another year or so! Although it's a bit different with strangers! Whatever the outcome I hope I don't have to be looking for a private house somewhere.
Reply 6
Padgate 116 is the place I'll be! wooooo

Well chuffed - Can't wait to be down there. We should have a TSR Warrington Campus meet on the first day :biggrin:

Anybody got photos of this hall? - Used to be Martin Hall?
Reply 7
I'm really excited now, 36 days haha!

what are the numbers on the end of the halls?

coz i had Newton 112?
Reply 8
I'm really excited now, 36 days haha!

what are the numbers on the end of the halls?

coz i had Newton 112?

I assume thats the room number :P
Aww. A halls of residence that is named after my home town (or at least I'm guessing it is :P)

Warrington rules, Cheesybeans was born there.
Reply 10
I had my first quick look at the place today and I have to admit, I wasn't impressed. Maybe that was partly due to the fact that it looked a bit of a building site with various things in the process of being rebuilt and refurbished and what have you, plus the weather was a bit dull which seemed to make everything look even more depressing than it actually was. Having said that I'm sure, when I get there, I'll have a great time and my experience will hopefully be in total contradiction to what I've just said!
Reply 11
It's Aiken for me, the second most expensive hall on campus! Damn, I was really hoping for en-suite there aswell! No all-inclusive lunch & dinners for me then!
Reply 12
When I had a look around i wasn't too impressed either but i love the idea of a community atmosphere and the course is amazing!

I had a look around Aiken hall on one of their open days! It's ok, the kitchen we looked at was a little small but the rooms were bigger than I thought!

I thought that the number was the number of the room, but the booklet said Newton only had like 44 rooms! so i got confused! hehe!
Reply 13
When I had a look around i wasn't too impressed either but i love the idea of a community atmosphere and the course is amazing!

I had a look around Aiken hall on one of their open days! It's ok, the kitchen we looked at was a little small but the rooms were bigger than I thought!

I thought that the number was the number of the room, but the booklet said Newton only had like 44 rooms! so i got confused! hehe!

No those are the room numbers, that's how they do them. So some of the hall's rooms start from 101 say and then go up from there to however many actual rooms there are. With mine they're numbered from 201. It's a bit like the enrolment numbers on Nazi Party membership cards!:wink: What course are you doing btw?
Reply 14
ahhhh rite!!! i'm with ya lol!

I'm doinng Radio Production and Media Studies!

how about u???
Reply 15
Just Radio Production on its own. Is yours a combined honours then?
Reply 16
well i'm not sure whats happening tbh, I applied for just Radio Production and somehow I've managed to be plonked onto a combined course :s-smilie:
I dont mind like, just means more work :mad:
Reply 17
The website says the combined degree you're doing is a Single Honours and the one I'm doing is Combined Honours. Hmm, now I'm confused?:confused: But yeh you're right, you've got more to study than I do!:biggrin: And also what do some people mean when they say that they're doing a major in whatever and then a minor in such and such??:confused: :confused:
Hey, i was in halls in my first year it was wicked. i was in martin hall now known as padgate hall and to people who lived there HALL 3. i have to say my hall was the greatest we were noisy ones we had idiots in our halls who thought how funny would it be to set of your own fire alarm at 4 at night. but it was great the best hall to experience your first year. i know your hall manager who is the best and makes you feel welcome and his a dj. in our halls we had two djs one on the ground floor who was the hall manager and the second floor.

there wasnt many girls in our halls only around 7 which sucked but that meant 3 floors of guys and cleaner showers cause not alot of people used it. our fridge food got stolen so get a fridge in your room. especially in the first weeks. we didnt have freezers which is stupid as that's what students lived on and newton hall had it even though they had meals cooked for them.

sorry this is long i am just trying to help give you as much info as i would have wanted in my first year. what else about my hall... the room size was quite good for size. by the way the picture on the front of the agreement form is of newton hall the posh hall. it looks nasty but its alrte the rooms are tiny so thats was your paying for the ensuite. hope this was useful and you enjoy living in hallls as much as i have.

p.s please please get insurance i know people who can break into room by using bottles the posh hall you need a speacia key to get into, in halls anyone can get in and in your first week you dont know who to trust so hide it well until you get to know people i know soemone in my halls who had theyre laptop, camer, ipod stolen in her first night which sucked a lot so be careful.

p.s.s excuse my grammer

I'm in Newton hall as well :smile:

Also doing radio production :yep: except I'm doing it with management.

4 weeks to go wehey :cool: