The Student Room Group

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Reply 1

I'm doing my Ikea shop for Edinburgh tomorrow and I don't want to over buy. Does anyone know what a self catering flat in Warrender park crescent comes with in the way of kitchen supplies?

Thank you!

Domestic provision list from Edinburgh

They list what they provide for self-catered flats in there. WPC is included in the main self-catered listing.

oh, and p.s.- what flat are you in? I'm in 20!
Reply 2
Flat 29- we are sort of neighbours!

Thanks for the list.

What are you studying?
Reply 3
should i be worried that i haven't been allocated accomadation??
edinburgh was my reserve :s
No, accommodation isn't guaranteed to be allocated until September 4th. Remember, they are busy trying to sort out rooms for thousands of people so it may take a while- don't worry you won't be homeless! :wink:
Reply 5
Flat 29- we are sort of neighbours!

Thanks for the list.

What are you studying?

Hey neighbour! I'm actually a visiting student (just there for the fall and possibly the spring) so I'm not really studying in a set course at Edinburgh. In the US, I'm a double major in political economy and film studies. How about you?

ps- do you know how the numbering works? Is the ground floor 0-9, the first 10-19, etc or is the entire ground floor 0-something and then the first 100-100something or... I'm just curious how many stairs I will be climbing :smile:
Reply 6
I have no idea how the rooms work- sorry!

I'm studying politics and philosophy so we may be in similar lectures!
Do students of all ages get mixed together, so would 18 year olds be with 25 yer olds, etc?

Not that I mind, I was just wondering whether to expect a mix or people my age. I can't imagine people aged 25 would be over the moon sharing with a load of teenagers, but I don't know.

Plus to Scottish 17 year olds get mixed with older rest of UK students? Again, I'm just curious, I'd love Scottish flatmates.
Reply 8
Actually I'm taking the Intro Philosophy lecture so that's totally possible!

and A&E- I know they have seperate housing for graduate students so I think they try and avoid mixing them all together.
Reply 9
you could end up with a 45 year old mature student! that would be wild lol.
Reply 10
I think they do mix ages up. I'm in WPC and I'll be almost 21 when I start. Don't worry us mature lot are good fun not collecting our pensions just yet!
Reply 11
Flat 29- we are sort of neighbours!


I'm also in flat 29, so hello roommate.
I don't have a lot since I'm going to be coming from America, but I am bringing some dishes.
Seeing as I'll be coming from overseas, I'm obvs not going to be packing cutlery and cooking stuff. What's the easiest way to get to Ikea from WPC? I'm assuming there's a bus...
Ginsberg what flat are you in, i'm in flat 7 :biggrin:, not found any flatmates yet though :frown:
Reply 14
Hello Naufraga- nice to meet you. Don't worry about your lack of stuff, I'm coming up by train from London so there is only so much I can bring. Perhaps arrange a shopping trip during freshers? Nice to meet you and see you in eek a weeks time!
Hey, Im Warrender Park Crescent as well, Flat 16. Anyone else having serious packing problems?? My room looks like a bombsite! I've been to Ikea too but didnt get much because i wasnt sure what we'd find at the flat! Looks like I'll be stealing the parents' cutlery!
^I'm not in Warrender at all but heh, funny you should say that... my room's probably gonna take about five hours of work to patch together. I did have the benefit of getting to Ikea a few weeks back and buying cutlery etc.
Don't bother bringing loads of stuff with you, see what everyone else has once you arrive... remember that you are living with other people, they bring things too! Also, there are loads of things which you think you'll need that you'll never actually use, one of my flatmates had pretty much every utensil under the sun and probably used 3 of them during the year. Its better to live in your flat for awhile, then if you're lacking anything do a shop specifically for that. There is a shop on Nicholson Street called Edinburgh Bargain Stores and they sell practically everything you could require, and also a Woolworths on Lothian Road, there is no desperate need for Ikea.

Age wise, yeah they mix you up although some flats are 'older' than others. There are specific residences for mature students, so most people in the 'normal' residences are of 'usual' university age. Everyone in my flat turned 19 during the year, but most people had a mix of 17-21/22 year olds as the exchange students tend to be older. Age is nothing but a number, no one cares how old you are... unless your Scottish and not legal when you start, but there are ways around that so don't worry!
There's a Woolworths? Really? I didn't think we had one anywhere.

Next you'll be telling me we've got a Primark or a WH Smith (except the one in the Bus station).
Woolies is on Lothian Road, near Fountain Bridge, so not your side of town really... but it exists! I think there is Smiths on George Street, not sure where though. Or possibly Queen Street, but I reckon George. I was doing a store search once and that came up, although I never actually went. There are some in the out of town shopping centres, but thats abit out of the way.

Ok, just looked it up- WH Smith Bath Gate, 23 George Street.