The Student Room Group

What computing experience/skills do you have?

Hi, I'm just interested to know how much computing experience/skills those who are going to study computer science (or related) in september already have?

I have done quite a bit of web design/development before so am familiar with php, asp, html, css, sql etc. Have also done CCNA and Oracle Academy...however, I haven't really done much programming, besides VB at you think I'll be at a disadvantage? I was planning to learn Java and have a look at C++ this summer but haven't got round to it so far!
Reply 1
They'll teach it you all there. There will be people who've not done any programming at all, so you'll be fine.
On my course, the first module varies depending on what experience you've got. If you haven't done Computing A Level you do the less developed one.
Reply 2
I've got sorta the same experience as you, except a little programming in C++ as well as VB and all the webdesign stuff. I think we'll both be fine :cool:

Which uni you going to?
Reply 3
I've got sorta the same experience as you, except a little programming in C++ as well as VB and all the webdesign stuff. I think we'll both be fine :cool:

Which uni you going to?

Good to see someone is in the same boat as I am....I think I am probably worrying over nothing - there will probably be people there who haven't even done VB or designed a web page before. I'm goint to Kent - what about you?
Reply 4
Don't worry about it! It would be a slight advantage to know some of it before hand, but it will only benefit you in the first few weeks unless you learn a lot of it. They will teach you everything you need to know, so enjoy your summer.

Saying that, Ive already learnt quite a lot of the material from my modules next year, but only because it interests me.
Reply 5
I'm goint to Kent - what about you?

I'm off to Manchester, Computer Science with Business & Management
I'm intermediate/advanced with C++ and intermediate with Java. Basic knowledge of 3D OpenGL, but as he said, everything is taught to you, so no worry anyway.
Reply 7
Normally no previous computer knowledge is assumed, even for CompSci. If you've already done some programming then there's little to worry about. In fact, the first year might be quite easy.
Reply 8
i know what programming is and how you would go about writing a program and compiling it, but i cant actually program. :]

i was thinking of learning something over the summer, but to be honest i couldnt be bothered. the way i see it is, if the first year doesnt challenge me at least a bit i'll just get bored and never turn up then probably drop out. so it's probably best i dont know anything beforehand.
Reply 9
i was thinking of learning something over the summer, but to be honest i couldnt be bothered. the way i see it is, if the first year doesnt challenge me at least a bit i'll just get bored and never turn up then probably drop out. so it's probably best i dont know anything beforehand.

You are the man. I commend your attitude.
Reply 10
I can program in VB and C++. I was going to learn Java but its too slow for what I am studing (computer games). I can use the DirectX API and a tiny bit of OpenGL but animation doesnt really tickle my taste buds. I also am learning assembler.