hsb pissed me off the most, my loan was late which was my fault i went to uni with no money but the uni then helped me. i went to hsbc they were fine the letters came all i had to do was sign it this was all done by September cause i knew my loan was late. so come September 21 ( i applied for this in july, confirmed it the next day after my uni accepted me) so i am at my local branch queue veeeeerrrrry long, the women goes
" hi, how can i help you"
"i here to for my students account and would like to confirm i am a student"
" oh wait i will get someone else to help"
man " Hi how can i help you"
me "i here to for my students account and would like to confirm i am a student"
Man " okay i will photocopy this and will send it off now, we don't deal with this but it should be sorted within 3-5 days"
me "okay"
i go off home a few days left till i leave for uni and i have no money to buy uni stuff or live off anything but my mother helped me a bit but just for the week. so i call them the day before uni. on the phone a women for india is telling me that i haven't been to confirm my status and it is incomplete, right now am fuming and this women cant help me, so i go into my local branch once again they tell me i haven't done it and they dont deal with it all they can do is photocopy it or i apply in the area am moving into. by now am nearly in tears as i have no money its not they're fault but i applied again and done everything in time so i could have something. so i do it in my new area same bull**** i didn't get my overdraft till January, my loan hadnt come through cause i had some problems with it not they're fault but they proper ****ed me around. just needed to let that out. not a great way to start uni, i had like 30 quid to my name and friends helps and uni help but i hate hsbc.