The Student Room Group

Caption competition

The rules are simple: I post a new picture each week*, and you come up with an amusing or clever caption for it. Whoever submits the one that fits the best or makes me laugh the most wins bragging rights, and a place on the leaderboard. :coma:

*or fortnight. occasionally month.

(Current image is now in the 2nd post, as editing the OP breaks everything)
(edited 1 year ago)

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Current image:



:king1: mqb2766 - 55

:king2: 04MR17 - 54

:king3: Good bloke - 51

the bear - 39

nulli tertius - 15

Joinedup - 15

Rufus the red - 14

Cote1 - 14

Noodlzzz - 8

CheeseIsVeg - 6

always-anxious - 6

SpiderCrab - 5

Fullofsurprises - 5

shadowdweller - 3

4D Chess - 3

moggis - 2

It's****ingWOODY - 2

goggleyed - 2

uberteknik - 2

penguingirl18 - 2

AperfectBalance - 1

TheYearNiner - 1

homeland.lsw - 1

DrSocSciences - 1

Profesh - 1

shameful_burrito - 1

Amanzhol - 1

markovchain17 - 1

Soteria3 - 1

Allie4 - 1

Balloonz - 1

doubleGs - 1

glassalice - 1

cleveranimal56 - 1

Il1L - 1

toxicgamage56 - 1

Reality Check - 1

jisvngxstay - 1

UtterlyUseless69 - 1
(edited 2 days ago)
Big Black Crow gets Dominated by Small Asian Man
One day a man flew away
"Finally, a way to get away from Trump!"

Posted from TSR Mobile
"The refreshments on this flight are terrible!"
"I hope I remembered to turn the stove off..."

Posted from TSR Mobile
Original post by AperfectBalance
Big Black Crow gets Dominated by Small Asian Man

:congrats: We have our first winner!

New image:

"What really happens when you vape too much"

Posted from TSR Mobile
Original post by shadowdweller
"What really happens when you vape too much"

It was a tough call this week fortnight, so many quality entries. :yes: But shadowdweller wins! Next pic:

Original post by AngryJellyfish
It was a tough call this week fortnight, so many quality entries. :yes: But shadowdweller wins! Next pic:

Man: "I seem to have misplaced my neck"
Woman: "I'll help you find it!"

Posted from TSR Mobile
Original post by AngryJellyfish
It was a tough call this week fortnight, so many quality entries. :yes: But shadowdweller wins! Next pic:

Mother: "Who's knickers are these and why are they in a knot!?"
Teenage son: 'Just blend in Jack, blend in..'
Original post by TheYearNiner
Mother: "Who's knickers are these and why are they in a knot!?"
Teenage son: 'Just blend in Jack, blend in..'

You win this week! :congrats: Next pic:

Original post by AngryJellyfish
You win this week! :congrats: Next pic:

Party in the fake fruit bowl
Original post by AngryJellyfish
The rules are simple: I post a new picture each week, and you come up with an amusing or clever caption for it. Whoever submits the one that fits the best or makes me laugh the most wins bragging rights, and a place on the leaderboard. :coma:

Current image:

BBC four documentary reveals that the hokey cokey was originally performed between a candle, a pinecone, a heart-shaped biscuit and a piece of fruit. Historians are baffled.
Original post by AngryJellyfish
You win this week! :congrats: Next pic:

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a single thing stirred, not even a mouse.
But outside the house, a group of inanimate objects were performing their satanic ritual in the hopes of possessing sweet little cathy who lay slumbering inside...
Original post by homeland.lsw
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a single thing stirred, not even a mouse.
But outside the house, a group of inanimate objects were performing their satanic ritual in the hopes of possessing sweet little cathy who lay slumbering inside...
:rofl: :toofunny:
Original post by homeland.lsw
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a single thing stirred, not even a mouse.
But outside the house, a group of inanimate objects were performing their satanic ritual in the hopes of possessing sweet little cathy who lay slumbering inside...

I think the reps say it all, we have a winner! :congrats: Also, is it just me that thinks the right pinecone guy's face really resembles the troll face? :p:

I'm just going to stick to these cards from the 1800s as a source of pics while it's Christmas, they're quite something. Next pic:

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