The Student Room Group

Schafer house...any good?

As the title suggests, is it any good because I will be living there in September? The UCL website and accomodation hand book give very little information and pictures of all the halls which is quite annoying. So I was wondering if anyone lived or been there last year and would give me any pros and cons with Schafer house?

The only thing good I know at the moment is its close to Euston Station and UCL itself, but thats it......

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I love Schafer Huose, not sure why, it just looks like a nice quiet and really modern place to be. I dunno much bout the halls at all, but if you go there in Sept and hate it, and like a single in Astor, im the one to look for :biggrin:
Reply 2
I have Schafer too, its in a really good location and seems quite desirable from the reaction of other people on here. Friends who stayed there last year seemed to like it
Reply 3
Schafer seems amazing! I'm in schafer too...i'm so happy about that i wanted it so badly.

Every room has it's own sink.
There are no shared rooms there.
I heard it's about 3-5 people to a kitchen and bathroom....don't know how true that is but great if it is.
It's the largest self-catered hall at UCL so you get to meet tons of people. :biggrin:

Here's some pics of the net:

Reply 4
3 - 5? Superb
Reply 5
3 - 5? Superb

I don't know how true that is so don't take my word for's just what i heard, i can't remember where though. I'm sure someone will come along soon enough and tell me i'm wrong. I could have sworn you were already a student at UCL and that you lived in china. :confused:
Reply 6
I could have sworn you were already a student at UCL and that you lived in china. :confused:

I've been living in China for the past 7 months or so while on my gap year, I'm a fresher just like you, just had my offer for a while now
Reply 7
Thanks Lolly for the pics, very nice! Have a rep.
Reply 8
3-5.... I hope that's true!! I got Schafer too :smile: - which is what I wanted cause of the whole proximity, single room, sink thing. Can't wait to go there, it can't be just 3-5 though can it? I mean they house like 370 students, would they really have at least like 70 kitchens???
Reply 9
Schafer is cool, nice little courtyard, common room with vending machine and TV, kitchens are reasonably big.
Reply 10
are the rooms ensuite??? any other people form northern ireland coming to ucl in '07.... ??????
Reply 11
SO have you got your accomodation already? I haven't heard anything yet, were you unconditional or anything?
Reply 12
Rooms are not ensuite.
Reply 13
I lived in schafer last year, if anyones in A363 its my old room. Its just in flats of 3 or 5 people. Its pretty anti-social because of this, dont really ever meet anyone except people you live with. Good thing is the security is lax, you can come in with as many people as you want any hour on weekdays and weekends is a free for all.

Its not en suite, although the showers are the most powerful thing I've ever encounted and very hot excepot no hot water between like 2-6 am -ish

The vending machine is awesome, i miss my midnight tinned orange juice and chilled bueno

I liked schafer alot, made some good friends. I thought halls would be like a big ol' party though and its really not
So there you have it.. if you want to have a social time, then feel free to swap Schafer for a single in Astor with me ^_^
Reply 15
Thanks for the rep Vincente :biggrin: . I found out where i heard about the 3- people to a kichen and was chrissy909 she said:

All single! Another really good thing about Schafer is the flat system. It's made up of flats of 2, 3 and 5 rooms and each one has it's own kitchen and bathroom/s. It's got quite a cozy feel to it and it can be really great if you get along with your flat mates. People have 'family dinners' and flat parties which are really nice.

Also you can e-mail Helen if you get Schafer and you have any preferences, ie. you want to be in a small flat of 2 because you have a friend you want to live with, or you want to be ground floor and they usually sort it out for you

I'm so seems to be true. :biggrin:

I lived in schafer last year, if anyones in A363 its my old room. Its just in flats of 3 or 5 people. Its pretty anti-social because of this, dont really ever meet anyone except people you live with.
I liked schafer alot, made some good friends. I thought halls would be like a big ol' party though and its really not

Doesn't that depend on how much effort you put into meeting people? I mean couldn't you just go and introduce yourself to other people who live on your corridor . When i go on school trips and we go away i always introduce myself to people from other schools on the same corridor and make friends. Couldn't you have just done the same at uni especially during freshers week when eveyone is uber nice??

So there you have it.. if you want to have a social time, then feel free to swap Schafer for a single in Astor with me ^_^

Do you ever give up?? :rolleyes:
Reply 16

Doesn't that depend on how much effort you put into meeting people? I mean couldn't you just go and introduce yourself to other people who live on your corridor . When i go on school trips and we go away i always introduce myself to people from other schools on the same corridor and make friends. Couldn't you have just done the same at uni especially during freshers week when eveyone is uber nice??

Indeed, anyway my friends who stayed in Schafer made loads of friends there, wouldn't it be really easy to throw flat parties and stuff too?

So there you have it.. if you want to have a social time, then feel free to swap Schafer for a single in Astor with me ^_^

Noone swap with this person!! I do not want any chance of living with them!!
Reply 17

Noone swap with this person!! I do not want any chance of living with them!!

so do they usually have same genders in the flat or is it 1 girl and 2 guys
Reply 19
Are there any other postgrads moving in to Schafer?!?