The Student Room Group

Prankerd house

hi guys i was told today that i have been given a single room at prankerd house....does any1 no what this place is like or have any pics of it. i no that it close to UCL and u also get access to use the facilities at schafer house but i think that its mainly given to the post-grads as it is pretty quiet there. i am just a bit worried that every1 is gonna be older than me and that there will be no1 on my course(biomedical science)
so if any1 else is moving here then pls let me no how old u are and what course ur doing and if u no anything about prankerd house. thanks
Reply 1
Hey, I have a single en suite room in James Lighthill. If you're willing to trade your room at Prankerd for my room please let me know.
Reply 2
I heard that it's for grad mostly or year 3 n a bit quiet
not much help but here


Edit: I am also terribly sorry the ppl in the pic as I cannot gain their approval for posting their pic here even though it's pulic pic. I hope no1 feel offended. If yes pls tell I'll take it off
Reply 3
anyone from prankerd willing to swap for a single in astor, female. =)
Reply 4
hey lemily thats really cool, i live in nottingham to but ill be moving down on the how big were the rooms? and do u think that u could post some pics after u go there.
thanks lemily!