The Student Room Group

medicine with a year abroad?

hi guys, does anyone know if there's any uni in the UK that does medicine with a year abroad placement option? I do want to do medicine but it would also be amazing to be given the opportunity to work/study somewhere else in the 5-6 years!

thanks :smile:
Original post by tinawu
hi guys, does anyone know if there's any uni in the UK that does medicine with a year abroad placement option? I do want to do medicine but it would also be amazing to be given the opportunity to work/study somewhere else in the 5-6 years!

thanks :smile:

This is not possible. However, pretty much every medical school has an elective placement in final year for around 6-8 weeks where you can go abroad!

It might also be possible to do your intercalated degree abroad but not all medical schools in the UK will allow this.
Reply 2
Original post by tinawu
hi guys, does anyone know if there's any uni in the UK that does medicine with a year abroad placement option? I do want to do medicine but it would also be amazing to be given the opportunity to work/study somewhere else in the 5-6 years!

thanks :smile:

There isn't in Medicine.
Original post by Asklepios
This is not possible. However, pretty much every medical school has an elective placement in final year for around 6-8 weeks where you can go abroad!

It might also be possible to do your intercalated degree abroad but not all medical schools in the UK will allow this.

thanks! what's an intercalated degree?
Original post by tinawu
thanks! what's an intercalated degree?

Normally medicine is a 5 year degree, with the first half being sciency and the second half being more clinical. At the end of it you get a medical degree (MBChB/MBBS/etc). An intercalated degree is when you have the opportunity to take a year out in the middle and join the final year of a BSc programme to get a BSc for all the science work you've done. Usually involves a big research project.

It's an option at pretty much every medical school in the UK and at a few it is compulsory (Edinburgh, Oxbridge, UCL and Imperial). If you don't like any of the programmes on offer, you can sometimes go to a different university for that year, and depending on your medical school policy, this can be abroad.

More info:
If you want to do this, talk to the Year Abroad or 'Global Opportunities' office when you get to your Uni and ask for their help in setting this up. Dont wait for a couple of years and then approach them as it can take ages to set up/get funding etc. But very worth doing - especially if you go somewhere like Australia or Canada, you could make contacts for a job after graduation, and it always looks good on any CV.
I'd look up how the elective works at each uni when applying. The two extremes would be: 6 week elective immediately before finals so you're just stuck revising whatever you choose to do, versus an 11 week (longest I know of) post-finals elective with no sign-off requirements. Potentially a big difference.

At some med schools you can also do other short clinical placements abroad during the course e.g. Oxford.
As said above many, if not all, have electives. Some also offer Erasmus where you can study abroad for a term. I'm an intercalated student at Cardiff and a few of my friends in 4th year have gone abroad (Paris, Madrid, Venice and I can't remember the rest). I'm not sure that this is a common element of Med Schools, but I know in Cardiff it's possible at the moment, however one concern would be Brexit and its possible effects on this.
Reply 8 Look honey!!! Liverpool offers a year in China!!! I am thinking about this :wink::wink::wink:
Love ya!!
Reply 9 Look!!! Liverpool offers a year in China!!! I am thinking about this
Also here study abroad opportunity too, don't know for how long.:wink::wink::wink:
Reply 10 Look!!! Liverpool offers a year in China!!! I am thinking about this
Also here study abroad opportunity too, don't know for how long You could also apply overseas and complete the whole course in another country. Uni of Maastricht does 3 years in English, 3 in Dutch.:wink::wink::wink:
Reply 11
Hey tinawu :-) Years abroad in medicine are definitely not very common. However, I do know a doctor who went to Manchester Univeristy, did German alongside his medical degree throughout the course and got to do a year abroad in Germany! Worth looking into but I'm not making any promises since this probably happened about 10 years ago and they may have changed their system now... Would have loved that myself tbh but UCL, like most unis, don't offer anything similar.

Best of luck with everything,

Alex, 4th year UCL medic
Original post by username2049777
hi guys, does anyone know if there's any uni in the UK that does medicine with a year abroad placement option? I do want to do medicine but it would also be amazing to be given the opportunity to work/study somewhere else in the 5-6 years!

thanks :smile:
Yes - Edinburgh does

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