What a moronic programme. I live in Derby and I can tell you that yes there are a lot of people claiming benefits in Derby who shouldn't be, and that Mick Philpott is NOT one of them. Those who know him make it clear that he is a very good parent, that his children benefit from every penny he receives and that his requests for a bigger house are not unjustified given the overcrowding in his property.
YES he shouldn't have had so many kids
YES he isn't the most refined of chaps
BUT it is complete nonsense that he has been on benefits all his life, he worked for over 20 years, and it is only recently that he's been unemployed. Furthermore, with that many kids, it is a valid argument that 3 adults are needed in the house for the welfare of the children. But as I've already mentioned, on the children front, he really does do his best to look after them. That programme completely misrepresented him. There are some considerably worse abusers of the benefits system.