The Student Room Group
Reply 1
There are probably scholarships that cover a portion of the cost.
Reply 2
1. Cambridge Commonwealth/Overseas Trusts offer part-cost bursaries to international students.
2. Scholarships from your country of origin (I'm on one)

Sadly as far as I know there are no full scholarships offered by the universities to international students for undergraduate studies. The closest to that are the Cambridge Trusts...!
Reply 3
There's very little and most likely you end up paying everything. But the fees aren't 22,000 unless you're doing something like medicine. I'm being charged 16,000 per year for Economics and Management.

Good luck!
Reply 4
I have read through the sites for both universities and have emailed the admissions director and there doesn't seem to be a way to get funding for tuition which is about 22 , 000 pounds per year for international students. I was wondering if anyone knows of an international student who found a way to get that kind of funding.

wow Lars, Ontario too!

anyways what are you taking? If it is medicine you will not be able to use your degree to practice medicine in Canada,

They won't offer a huge scholarship unless you're doin postgraduate so THINK OF THE FUTURE.

ur best bet is applyin for a student line of credit fro Royal Bank of Canada. They can offer like ore than 50grand a year (canadian) but it depends on your course and stuff.

Reply 5
Charities and trusts (etc) offer bursaries, especially in sciences. (In your country, abroad and internationally.)