Dont worry about this, youve plenty of time to prepare yourself. When you get there should be the easiest time to meet people and make friends you're likely to find, because everyone wants to find new friends and get to know people. Read up on social anxiety, because a lot of the advice can be taken with extreme shyness as well. Firstly, you need to accept that there will be times when you say things wrong, or cant think of anything to say, but dont let this knock your confidence. When people are faced with similar social situations to when its not gone right, or a time they were critisied or somthing that image comes into their head everytime the social situation comes up, you go into defence mode and hide away, or blush. Its a case of breaking the cycle, as the defence mechanisms will make the situation worse. Put yourself into more social situations where you may feel self concious or nervous. The more you do this, the less scary it will be. Note to yourself your successes. When you got talking to someone new, or overcome something that before was difficult. To overcome the self conciousness, paranoia you need to stop focusing on yourself. Socially anxious people often only think of themselves in social situations, ie i'm going red, its gone quiet, what do i say, everyones looking at me, how do i get out of this. Forget all that, and focus only on who you are talking to, or what you are involved in. Keep more in touch with what they are saying to you, whats going on around you. You probably have assumptions at the moment of how people see you, which is in fact just how you see yourself. Theres too much to fit in here, but if any of this made sense, i suggest reading some decent books on social anxiety and shyness, with overcoming confidence issues.