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Feel uncomfortable being called a women

I don't know why but it just annoys me and makes me feel unnatractive expecially if guys say it, along with the thought of being called 'miss .....'. Id much rather be called a girl although im 22. I think it might have something to do with me being 5ft tall and people thinking I look 13/14, people call me girl and then remember my age and then say 'sorry I mean women'

Id rather be called girl but I don't know why? Is anyone else like this?

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Reply 1
There is something disturbingly rotund sounding about the word "woman". Doesn't bode well. In work last week, someone passed the reciever onto the person I needed to speak to, saying there was a "woman" on the line. I'm only 18. :frown:
Reply 2
18 is a woman
I dont like being called woman either, or lady- which you tend to get on public transport alot or in supermarkets- 'get out of the ladies way darling'

I prefere girl too. Im not ready to grow up yet :p:
Reply 4
18 is a woman

It's bad enough people have been mistaking me for a 21 year old since I was fourteen. I don't want to be a woman yet. Quite happy being in a girl.
Reply 5
First of all get a hold of yourself women! :biggrin:

Anyway miss sounds much better and i dont consider 22 as a women...
Reply 6
It's bad enough people have been mistaking me for a 21 year old since I was fourteen. I don't want to be a woman yet. Quite happy being in a girl.

ok sorry, its when something comes on the news if the victim is 18 they will say 'a 18 year old women blah blah'

Though a I suppose a girl can mean (from a guys point of view) up to the mid 20's.
I call girls above 18 women until they express a preference otherwise. Better to assume politeness, I guess.

I have problems being called a "man" too. I don't mind it, but guy sounds better at just a young-ish age.
I was called a woman by the time I was 16, yet I'm still called 'girl' now. Meh.
Yeah I'd prefer to be called a girl, but I'm only seventeen. Oohh or a laaaady.
how do you feel about 'young lady' i get that one a lot
Read this fascinating work of philosophy, it might help clear things up.
Haha I don't like being called a woman or lady either. It makes me sound old!!

Especially when I'm serving a family at work, and the parents call me "lady" infront of their kids.
jesus, why should it matter?

....woman, man, girl, boy, hobbit - they are all the same.

Being a "girl" or a "boy" has it disadvantages, it is associated with that period of your life where you go through puberty and those other rubbish stages of your life, plus you can't watch movies that 15+, cant drink etc- embrace your adulthood people!

I find it disturbing how people are feeling insecure by their gender title/gender description and it is not even something that can cause offense.
Reply 14
I think being called 'Madam' is the worst! And shop assistants keep insisting on doing it.
I got called "Sir" the other day. It was most depressing honestly, I far prefered "young man" :p:

Another I get is when someone refers to me as "this gentleman". Haha, no love, if only you knew :biggrin:
Woman is for older people, in my mind, so I'm never keen on that. I quite like the "get out of the nice lady's way" though, makes me feel all growed up :biggrin:

Read this fascinating work of philosophy, it might help clear things up.

Gosh, there's some really interesting ideas and concepts brought up in that article. Very thought provoking :p: :p:
Reply 17
I can;t abide being called a lady as in "This is the lady who works in the X dept" - I'm not! lol. It makes me feel like I'm in the Women's Institute. Madam too. Ugh.

Besides, what older person would object to be being called a girl?

Besides, what older person would object to be being called a girl?

My grandmother?
Reply 19
My grandmother?