The Student Room Group

Guys(18-19yrs): How much do you weigh?


Weight (18/19 yrs male)

I used to find that as a kid I could eat/drink as much as much rubbish as I wanted and not put on weight. This has all changed now though, anyone else the same? I'm now 18 and a half, 6ft tall and weigh 13st 10lb give or take a pound. Just curious to know what the average weight is for 18/19 year old guys.

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You're in the 49th percentile for your height and age. So you're pretty much exactly average.
Reply 2
I am 18. 6'3 and about 13.5-14 stone, muscular build (when I keep in shape anyway and don't pig out :wink:)
I'm 19, 6 Ft 4 and weigh just under 19 stone. I am clinically obese, and though coz of my height I don't actually look it.

But the fact is, I am obese, and its depressing.
Reply 4
I'm 18, 6'1 and about 12.5-13 stone.
Reply 5
About 9.5 stone here.
Reply 6
I'm 5'9 and 9 stone 8lb.
7 stone last time I weighed myself, doubt it has changed much.
Reply 9
about 9.5. im around 5"9/10
Reply 10
5'9" and 10st. im 20 this week, and can still eat whatever and however much i want without gaining weight :biggrin:
I'm 10st and 5'5. Muscular build.
Reply 12
I'm 6ft 3 and 78kg (182lbs / Just over 12stone )
Reply 13
im 6 3 and was 12 stone naturally, now im about 13 stone after going the gym since Jan.
Reply 14
Why does this poll START at 12 stone? I mean, that's pretty big. I don't weigh anywhere close to that. I'm not exactly sure but about 7.5 stone.
Reply 15
Why does this poll START at 12 stone? I mean, that's pretty big. I don't weigh anywhere close to that. I'm not exactly sure but about 7.5 stone.

If you weigh 7.5 stone then I don't care how tall (or small) you are - you are clinically underweight - that's a really dangerous weight for a petit girl to be at, never mind a teenage guy.

And by the way, there is an option for under 11 stone, duh.
If you weigh 7.5 stone then I don't care how tall (or small) you are - you are clinically underweight

I don't think you understand what it means to be "clinically underweight," then.

(And it's a very normal weight for a petite girl to be at, not dangerous at all. Obviously he's not a petite girl though.)
I'm exactly 11stone and 5'11
Age: 19.
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 8stn 9lbs.
Reply 19
18, 5 9 or so, 11 stone.