Having looked at various posts here regarding the ACA and ACA vs CIMA, im starting to be put off by the ACA.
Recently finishing a degree in accounting & financial management (2.1) I felt the ACA would be suitable for me as I quite enjoyed the financial accounting modules of my course and they were the ones i did the best in.
Though if im perfectly honest i kinda strolled through university and didnt put that much effort and study time in. I attended lectures and did the tutorial work, but didnt do any wider reading or additional work and revised for exams 2-3 weeks before, usually achieving a 2.1/2.2 with the occasional 1st.
Reading that the ACA would require study time of 2-3hrs a night and 10hrs at weekends, as well as full-time employment im beginning to think the way i study and learn wouldn't be enough to pass the exams. Obviously if i were to go for the ACA I could say to myself that I would put more effort in, but may still not be enough.
So far ive only applied for and looked at graduate opportunities offering the ACA qualification, not just the big4 many other firms within the top20 and even smaller accounting practises based around yorkshire. Im thinking it would be worth while considering CIMA opportunities as well.
Ive not really looked at the CIMA qualification, what is required and typical job roles CIMA qualified do, but any sort of guidance or advice would certainly settle my mind a little.