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Psychology Extended Essay

I know you are probably sick of posts like this but does anyone have a good research question i could use for my Psychology EE ?i was thinking about doing something about special needs such as autism or possibly epilepsy but i cant think where to begin as its such a vast topic. If anyone has any ideas it would really help me!

Many thanks

Reply 1
I have the same problem as you:smile: haha
i do not know what my topic question is going to be
but im sure the subjects is psych HL
Reply 2
If all else fails, consider doing it on a psychological disorder. The sources are plenty, so all you are left with is finding a good topic question. Well that is what I did, at least.
Reply 3
I have the same problem as you:smile: haha
i do not know what my topic question is going to be
but im sure the subjects is psych HL

If you are sure the subject will be psychology HL, presumably there are things that you find particularly interesting about psychology? Try to make a list of questions that you would like to know more about, and see if there are ways to approach the topics from a slightly original perspective.
Reply 4
Thanks for the help! ive decided to do it on dyslexia and the different psychological approaches views on this.. luckily(I think), i now have a supervisor and topic so can start my EE and try and get it out the way.

stepbak91 If you stuck on topics... i was also going to do epilepsy, this is good as you can include sperry's split brain experiments or like it was suggested before something on the approaches or a subject that really interests you.. sleep and stress are quite good and there is lots of stuff to write about for it. if in doubt ask your psych teacher.

hope that helps
Reply 5
late reply
im still stuck on a question and narrowed it down to dysfunctional
maybe something to do with drugs and the brain
but then a i read another essay
and thought about music and adolescence...
catch my drift?lol
Reply 6
Im doing the ee on psychology but im not sure which topic is better to do, so please if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, thinking along the lines of:
*does music have an affect on learning
*which type of intelligence will be most helpful to succeed in life
I know you are probably sick of posts like this but does anyone have a good research question i could use for my Psychology EE ?i was thinking about doing something about special needs such as autism or possibly epilepsy but i cant think where to begin as its such a vast topic. If anyone has any ideas it would really help me!

Many thanks


If you want to do autism you could focus on how an autistic person interprets different situations and why?
Just an idea...
Reply 8
If you want to do autism you could focus on how an autistic person interprets different situations and why?
Just an idea...

Thanks for the help but ive already done my EE in fact ive already graduated the IB! i did it on cognitive explanations of dyslexia.
Thanks for the help but ive already done my EE in fact ive already graduated the IB! i did it on cognitive explanations of dyslexia.

Hahaha, i totally read the date wrong!!
Im so sorrry :|

well i hope you did well and all :smile:
Thanks for the help but ive already done my EE in fact ive already graduated the IB! i did it on cognitive explanations of dyslexia.

Cool what did you get on it?

I'm doing mine in psychology as well I chose to look at social anxiety and western cultures.

Although I'm having some trouble finishing the outline for how I'm going to set the essay out...any advice?
Reply 11
Cool what did you get on it?

I'm doing mine in psychology as well I chose to look at social anxiety and western cultures.

Although I'm having some trouble finishing the outline for how I'm going to set the essay out...any advice?

I got a d... went far too much into descriptive and not enough evaluation. so obviously my type is to evaluate the studies well (order effects/bias etc). i decided to look at how one perspective viewed it and the brought the others in to counter argue it and to evaluate the usefulness of it (that way you bring other perspectives in but dont have no structure to your essay).
I got a d... went far too much into descriptive and not enough evaluation. so obviously my type is to evaluate the studies well (order effects/bias etc). i decided to look at how one perspective viewed it and the brought the others in to counter argue it and to evaluate the usefulness of it (that way you bring other perspectives in but dont have no structure to your essay).

That's harsh just because it was descriptive...

Thanks :hugs: