Queen Mary Accommodation Sucks. For the most part, it really is terrible. I'm going to be a 2nd year when the new semester starts, so I just experianced the pain that was Queen Mary Accommodation. Let me share some of my, and many others, experiances.
Firstly, it doesn't matter where you live, you better get used to the fire alam going off at all times of the night. I stayed at pretty much all the halls, and at one point or another the fire alarm has gone off. Alot. It goes off all the times. In pooely, I think it goes off every few days. Which means everbody has to get out, wait in the freezing cold for the firemen to come and check the builds, and you get fined if it call from you flat. Not even your room, just your flat. So, say goodbye to good night sleep. Pooley may get it the worst, but Richard Filden gets it all the time now that they built the new restaraunt underneath.
And if the fire alarm wasn't enough to keep you awake, you better get used to the cleaners banging on the doors with their hoovers early in the morning, and coming into your room even if you put a sign up asking them not to. The cleaners are crazy. They have loud arguments in the corridoors. In one flat I know of, one of the cleaners actually had a shower in the showers! Another was fired for calling a girl fat. And they don't even clean that well. They'd still be dust and crap everywhere after they 2 hours they spent in the flat.
You also have to get used to everything breaking, and staying broken for days. To keep costs down, they must have used a lot of cheap crap. I didn't have a working light for the first 3 weeks I lived in my room, and it took them that long to repair it! In Lindop House, where each flat has two bathrooms, the toilet was broken for over a month!! People came to fix it after a while, and it broke again! Our fridge wouldn't even keep things cold! My friends flat door wouldn't lock, and they didn't fix that for a few weeks too! People kept coming in! The washing machines would stop working, the dryers would take your money and stop working.
But the worst thing has to be the lifts. I can't tell you how many times people have got stuck in the lifts for an hour. I'm not even kidding, the lift would go up, stop, and people would have to talk through the doors to try and get someone to help them.
Internet access is a joke too. It's soo slow, and all downloads are blocked. And forget getting a wireless signal from your room, I had to camp in the kitchen to get mine.
Mile End is also kind of an unsafe area. During the day it's alright, but as soon as it gets dark you don't want to be hanging around there for too long. I was mugged right by campus one night! They took my phone, wallet, everything. And it isn't just me, it's happen to a lot of people. I heard one guy was even mugged on campus!
I would seriously recommend, if you can live at home, commute to Queen Mary. Or, look for private accommodation. Now would be the best time. Bethnal Green, one stop away, in a much nicer and trendier area, and I can't wait to live there this year.
Queen Mary halls may look nice from the outside, but living there is a whole different story. The only good thing is the cheap food, and all the chicken is pink and not cooked properly anyway.